
Ablay Myrzakhmetov: floating tenge is compulsory and necessary decision

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In Akorda was held a meeting of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev with representatives of the business.

"Today's decision certainly will enhance the competitiveness of domestic business, increase revenue and, most importantly, will let to preserve jobs. (...) The decision is absolutely adequate, forced and extremely necessary ", - said the chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs" Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

"I would like to assure you - Nursultan Nazarbayev, that we will analyze the situation, if possible, judging by the income will probably index the wages, we will come with this initiative", - he also noted.

Myrzakhmetov noted that today it is extremely important for Kazakhstan to look for new markets. "We conducted an analysis and found that China imports 3.8 million tonnes of vegetable oils. We can specialize several areas to get guaranteed contracts for 10-15 years. We are starting work in this area now. The Iranian market opens now, the border regions of Russia, as today's decision eliminates the disparity, and we will be able to export ", - he added.

Chairman of the Board of  NCE stressed that the situation on the need to reduce the rate of tenge was analyzed and discussed for a long time. "Exporters were supporting it, small and medium businesses had fears that some industries may lose something: someone has foreign currency loans, no foreign currency earnings. We analyzed the situation and created an operational headquarters, where people could address. Actually, we were in weekly contact with the leadership of the Government, all the ministers, they brought all this information, analyzed it together. On June 25 was held a meeting of the Prime Minister with our assets. During this half year the situation began to deteriorate, SMEs faced with the fact that the course correction is needed. I can assure representatives of business that this decision is absolutely supported by respected members of the National Chamber, representing various industries", - he said.


Myrzakhmetov added that NCE understands that local businesses should be competitive. "You always warned us that we would be in the integration, we need to work on costs, quality of management, improve and introduce innovations. But the curved competition that has arisen because of the disparity of the ruble, can not reflect the real picture", - he said.

"Everyone has heard the story of  Karaganda poultry farm, when the director was forced to give away 30% of laying hens, because she could not compete with cheap Russian imports, which filled all the border areas",  - cited the example the head of NCE.

"I would like to assure you that those problems you have set - to be a constructive partner, communicate feedback, to consolidate the business, to ensure its revitalization and economic growth, social well-being - in this area we will continue to work actively",  - he concluded .

The President of Kazakhstan, in turn, stressed that Kazakhstan's integration policy is correct, as the country in terms of the population and the economy is not self-sufficient. "For us, a huge market is Russia and China. The fact that we are in a common economic space - is also important. Russia always very clearly responds to our requests. However, in a market environment, as you know, we cannot force them to do as it is not necessary, as they cannot make us. Every business uses the situation that is emerging. The only way is to be competitive. We are from January 1, will be a real member of the WTO, where the competition will be even stronger, so do not be afraid of anything, it is necessary to harden, to go to the next level", - said Nazarbayev.

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