
Civil Alliance status shall be elevated through the similar development route of NCE – Darkhan Kaletayev

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Astana is hosting the VIII Civil Forum with the participation of the Head of State

Opening the forum, Nursultan Nazarbayev stressed the importance of establishing an open dialogue between the state and society for the benefit of strengthening the unity of the people and the stable development of the country.

“This forum should give impetus to the non-governmental sector and open ways for the further development of civil society. I am sure that at today's meeting specific proposals will be announced on topical issues on the agenda, ”the Head of State said.

Shahan Zhuldasbayev from the Aktobe region became one of the forum participants. The social entrepreneur runs the specialized construction organization “Pandus-Ok”.

“In 2007 in Astana, an accident happened to me, I hit a car. Then it seemed to me that I lost everything. Deeply paralyzed, with severe injuries I had to return to Aktobe, ”said the entrepreneur.

In December 2013, a young man won in the Atameken-Start up business ideas competition and opened his own business. Over the three years of operation, the company has adapted more than 50 objects for people with disabilities. Launched a workshop for the production of electric lifts. At the same time, according to Shakhan Zhuldysbayev, there are certain gaps in the legislation.

“We need long-term grants for more than 1 year, for example, within the framework of a three-year budget. One of the ideas is to give the right to distribute grants through the Civil Alliance so that it can form the backbone of strong NGOs with an impeccable reputation. All these measures could enhance the effectiveness of NGO support programs, ”said Shakhan Zhuldasbayev.

Today, non-governmental organizations are the driving force of social progress and positive changes, said the Minister of Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan Darkhan Kaletaev. The number of NGOs increased from 5,000 in 2003 to 22,000 at present. The amount of financing of the state social order in 2018 reached 20 billion tenge.

“It is possible to raise the status of the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan by developing it by analogy with the NCE RK Atameken,” the speaker said. - We need to streamline all the statistics of NGOs. We need to learn from the experience of world practice, when NGOs place all their information in a single registration portal. ”

The civil forum is held every two years. This year, it was attended by 850 delegates representing the civilian sector of the country.

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