
Business problems will be resolved

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Only 10% of business problems can’t be resolved by NCE "Atameken"

Deputy Chairman of  NCE Gulnar Kurbanbaeva told the correspondent of about how to solve systematic problems (i.e. problems arising from shortcomings of the legislative procedures), disturbing the business today.

One of the popular products, which was created by NCE RK "Atameken" for entrepreneurs - is the Registry of problems of business entities. "Problems that concern the entrepreneurs disturb the NCE. Thanks to the registry of problems, every entrepreneur in real-time can go to the website of NCE at any time of a day or a night, checking on what issues NCE works at the moment in which they are the status that we have to solve, and what steps will be made to solve the problem", - said Kurbanbaeva.

According to her, during 2014 and 8 months of 2015 was formed a "pool" of problems, including more than 400 systemic issues of concern for the business. "I just want to be clear: the Registry doesn’t include problems of individual entrepreneurs, but systemic problems faced by most businesses", - added the deputy head of the board of NCE RK.

Active work on promotion of business development is conducted with all structural divisions of the Chamber in the central office and in regional branches. "We must pay tribute to the entrepreneurs who talk about their problems, and business associations that participate in solving these problems together with the staff of the Chamber. This enabled us to achieve greater efficiency: Today, almost 60% of the problems, that is more than half have been resolved by making changes to legislation. We leave them in the registry so that any entrepreneur, who faced the problem could check changes in any area or a city. And then the person will be able to apply to the prosecutor's office, to our regional chambers or other authorities in order to appeal the actions of certain officials", - she said.

Gulnar Kurbanbaeva noted that more than a hundred problems appeared only in the last 3-4 months. Now employees of NCE RK are looking for ways to solve them, negotiate with government agencies, go to the bodies of state administration with proposals for changes in legislation. "Only 38 problems have not been solved as our proposals to resolve them were not supported by state bodies", - stated the expert.

The representative of NCE also said that entrepreneurs have more confidence in NCE. "Statistics show that in the last 7 months of this year we received 2500 applications from entrepreneurs. This figure is higher than last year", - said Kurbanbaeva.

She also stressed that some of the problems of business repeat from year to year.

"Basically, it's taxation, environmental regulation, agriculture, finance, the organization of state support, issue of permits. They are repeated, because we have such a tendency in state agencies - we often change the requirements in the law", - explained the deputy chairman of the Chamber.

"No matter what problems are more acute for businesses, which are less well - we try to solve everything. For some, the issue of tax administration is the priority, and for someone to solve a problem is more important than advertising. We have no right to say: "This issue is more important, we will solve only it". Here we have to reassure our business. All of your addressed to us are relevant, they are in operation and under our control", - concluded G. Kurbanbaeva.

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