
"Do not meddle in the bottle!"

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The north region of the country can and should be engaged in production of glass containers

Rehabilitation manager of "Glass Company" SAF " Nurlan Sharipov sticks  to this opinion.

Speaking at the third session of the Sub-Committee of the packaging industry of the Committee of the manufacturing industry of Kazakhstan "Atameken", he drew attention to the trend of development of the glass industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the possibility of complications in the domestic market, associated with the emergence of new enterprises for the production of glass. Nurlan Sharipov believes that glass production must be spread evenly across regions.

Today the glass market of Kazakhstan is represented by two companies: JSC Insurance Company "SAF", which annually produces 191 million of bottles, and LLP "Evrokristall" in Shymkent, which produces 60 million containers a year. In total both companies annually produce 251 million of bottles.

"If the market potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan, according to experts, is 1.2 billion bottles, the emergence of new players in the domestic market of production of glass containers is necessary and inevitable. The fear is the fact that all the new glass factories will be concentrated in the Almaty region", - said N.Sharipov, adding that this has a negative impact on the activities of enterprises, since they do not give each other opportunities to work normally. In addition, plants are built without taking into account the real situation.

According to him, it will exacerbate competition between the domestic producers in the southern region of the country, leaving the territory of northern Kazakhstan on the "mercy" of Russians. There's the main share (60%) of imported glass products is from Russia.

By the way, a similar situation was in the Russian Federation, where in 2005 a boom for the construction of glass plants, many of which, by the way, also built without taking into account the development of production facilities for the production of beverages and canned food in each federal district of the Russian Federation, without the market analysis. As a result, incorrect distribution of production capacity in the face of fierce competition led to a reduction in the number of operating plants. Out of the 68 glass plants only 45 currently operate in the Russian Federation.

According to Sharipov, domestic producers have a problem of exports to neighboring countries (in particular the countries of Central Asia), since in this region there also a lot of glass plants.

According to the head of the glass company, even distribution of plants for the production of glass containers at the territory of Kazakhstan will help the development of related industries and employment of the population of other regions of the country.

According to the management of "SAF", the matter should be examined in detail and the needs of the glass market of Kazakhstan should be explored. The company's specialists also offer to review the projects that are at the "zero" stage, recommending to change territorial distribution of plants and planned capacities.

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