
Work in new conditions

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How will accession to the WTO affect domestic engineering?

"New threats and new opportunities" - is the theme of the upcoming III Forum of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan, which will be held on October 1-2, 2015 in Astana.

"At the forum with the participation of Prime Minister will be discussed the new realities and challenges for engineering in the conditions of the EAEU and the WTO, parity in bilateral trade", - said the executive director of the Union of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan Timurlan Altai.

According to him, the machine-builders intend to ask the Government to create a favorable business climate, favorable treatment for domestic producers, taking into consideration the WTO rules.

"We also plan to raise the question of inclusion in the project documentation of the requirement of  Kazakhstani content for goods, works and services, and the share of localization should be not less than 60 percent. We need to discuss the competitiveness of Kazakh products", - said the head of the Union of Machine Builders of Kazakhstan.

Will we talk about the development of SMEs in the engineering industry (in the production of components), and increasing local content in procurement. The agenda of the forum includes such topics as flexible and balanced labor market in machine building, a new system of qualification assessment, new professional standards, circulation of fake certificates.

It is expected that more than one thousand people will attend the forum. Among them, the Kazakhstani mechanical engineers and executives of foreign companies and associations.

During the forum, investors will be able to discuss with Kazakh partners pressing problems and prospects of cooperation. It is expected that many will sign agreements on cooperation. During the forum will be held a awards ceremony for the best domestic machine-building enterprises. By tradition, the forum will be held in Astana at the "Hilton" hotel and the plenary meeting will be held in the building of "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy".

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