
To come to a common denominator

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The National Chamber "Atameken" refers to businesses with a request to inform on emerging barriers to trade with the EAEU countries  

Attempts of the Russians to extend a ban on the import of "sanctioned" products to the partner countries of the EAEU have become the most discussed issue at a meeting of the working group on the main directions of the integration under the Consultative Council for Cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Belarusian-Kazakh-Russian business community.

The agenda of the meeting of the working group included seven important tasks for the business community within the EAEU:

- On the progress of the elimination of obstacles, arising before the business entities of the Republic of Armenia, exporting goods from the territory of the Armenia to the territory of other Member States of EAEU (export of meat products and animal products, problems with the transport of valuable goods);

- The elimination of the obstacles arising from the need to pay the recycling fee in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation;

- Mandatory conditions of  Rosselkhoznadzor on the necessity of import of “sanctioned" goods through the Russian part of the customs border area of ​​the EAEU", for goods coming for the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Kazakhstan and other member states;

- Taxation of maintenance services rendered on the territory of the Russian Federation for aircrafts, operated by residents of EAEU member states;

- Levying of the rent tax by the Republic of Kazakhstan on export of coal from its territory to other Member States of EAEU;

- The barriers at the alcohol market in the framework of the EAEU;

- Background and possible formation of a common currency within EAEU.

It should be noted that the problems voiced by representatives of the Armenian side, caused a very heated debate in view of the fact that the application raises issues of veterinary and sanitary measures under the EAEU. Today, the general principles of the application of sanitary veterinary and sanitary measures are governed by Section XI of the EAEU Treaty and Annex No.12 of EAEU Treaty "Protocol on the application of sanitary, veterinary and sanitary and phytosanitary quarantine measures".

In addition, there is a decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission No.94 dated by October 9, 2014, which approved the "Regulations on the order of a single joint inspections of facilities and sampling of goods (products), subject to veterinary control (supervision)".

During the meeting, representatives of Rosselkhoznadzor have not been able to present a clear argument for the legal basis of its action on enterprises of the Republic of Armenia, which have been included in the Register of Enterprises of the Customs Union (registry of organizations and individuals engaged in production, processing and (or) storage of controlled goods (products) moved from the territory of one Member State into the territory of another Member State), but are not able to bring their products to the Russian Federation.

Given the importance of the issue for entrepreneurs, not only of the Republic of Armenia, but also of other Member States, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" came out with an initiative to discuss the rules of the said Regulation at the next meeting of the Advisory Council on the interaction of the EEC and the Belarusian-Kazakh-Russian business community. This proposal was supported by the head of the Working Group, a member of the Collegium (Minister) in the main areas of integration and Macroeconomics Tatiana Valova.

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs believes that the Regulation needs to be expanded, as it contains a number of outstanding standards. Recent developments related to the introduction of the ban by the Russian Federation on the import of Norwegian fish is a clear confirmation!

The Belarusian side has raised the issue of the additional fee for each sale of secondary vehicles, which are the products of EAEU. During the meeting it was decided to address the problem within the framework of bilateral cooperation between the Russian Federation and Belarus. It should be understood that the issue of the introduction of the recycling fee is now regarded in Kazakhstan and in the future must take into account the occurrence of similar situations during secondary sale of motor vehicles in Russia or Belarus.

But the most discussed topic of the meeting was the question of "sanctioned" goods that are imported to Kazakhstan in transit through Belarus. NCE previously published information that it does not agree with "the sanctions" policy of the Russian Federation. Participants of the meeting agreed that there are no mechanisms for administration measures that unilaterally, under the rules of the EAEU Treaty, can apply EAEU member states.

The most crucial question is: whether the Member State of EAEU has the right to  introduce restrictive measures by closing the transit of goods through its territory, for the goods that are following to other Member States of  EAEU? In addition, it is unclear on what legal basis, Rosselkhoznadzor banned the transit of "sanctioned" goods through the checkpoints of the Republic of Belarus?

Currently, the "sanctions" policy of the Russian Federation, has a significant impact on the economies of the Member States of EAEU, creating obstacles to business development. In this particular, it is first and foremost the entrepreneurs of Belarus and Kazakhstan, who are forced each time to adjust to the new conditions for the carriage of goods in transit to Kazakhstan, which fall in the sanctioned  list of goods. Head of the working group Tatyana Valova offered to consider the issue at the next meeting of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

During the meeting NCE brought to the attention of the participants that this state of affairs affects not only the carrier and the consignee, but also the final consumers of goods which circulate at the territory of the EAEU, getting more expensive for consumers.

For this reason, NCE, in order to protect the interests of  businesses, addresses to domestic companies to inform about the facts, that restrict transit through the territory of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, which will prepare a reasoned position to discuss the matter at the highest level within the EAEU.

There was also discussed the question posed by the Association of bona fide manufacturers and sellers of alcoholic beverages of Kazakhstan - the access of alcoholic products produced in Kazakhstan to the markets of the Member States of EAEU.

Currently, there are a number of barriers at the level of the national legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus for the access of alcoholic products, produced domestically. Given the fact that access to the market of alcoholic beverages is a seizure within the EAEU, as well as to address this issue, the Eurasian Economic Commission, together with experts of Member States of EAEU has developed "The Agreement on the regulation of the alcohol market under the EAEU" and the "Agreement on the Principles of conduction of the tax policy in terms of the excise tax on alcoholic beverages of EAEU member states".

The meeting noted that the working group and the advisory council are effective tools in addressing the problems of entrepreneurs, carrying out their activities with the EAEU. As you know, the meeting of the working group shall be held not less than twice a year at the initiative of one of the parties.

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