
Business Ombudsman will stop officials

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Mazhilis considered the draft law on establishment of an institute of an Ombudsman for protection of rights of entrepreneurs and strengthening its role

Making recommendations to the state authorities, the suspension of regulatory legal acts, infringing the legitimate interests of the business, challenging the decisions of public authorities - this is not a complete list of functions that the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan offered to empower a business ombudsman with.

The relevant draft law is now submitted to the Mazhilis under the presidential program "100 steps". This was announced today at the Service of Central Communications by the vice minister of national economy of Kazakhstan Timur Zhaksylykov. Among other novelties in the draft law, he named the order of an appointment of the Ombudsman, which is made exclusively by the presidential decree.

"In addition, it is proposed that the business ombudsman will send a petition to the prosecutor’s office in the case of disagreement with the position of state bodies in order to address the complaints of entrepreneurs. He also received the right to address the President of Kazakhstan, in the case of systemic violations of the rights of entrepreneurs, which can’t be settled at the level of state bodies", - said the vice-minister.

In addition, the bill specifies that the business ombudsman shall prepare annual progress reports and reports to the Head of State.

Timur Zhaksylykov assured that the developers of the draft law have studied and borrowed best practices from the experience of business activities of the Ombudsmen of Europe. According to the Deputy Minister, Ombudsman will carry out its work in close contact with the NCE. And all the complaints from the regions will be filtered by the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken", which has a network of representative offices in all regions.

Zhanar Serdalina

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