
There will be postscript for POS-terminals

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Terms of the mandatory application of POS-terminals for individual entrepreneurs will not be shifted again.

This was stated by the chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan Daulet Ergozhin.

Recall, the Ministry of Finance has extended the time for installation of POS-terminal equipment from January 1 to June 1, 2014. Now it is used only by legal entities, which operate in accordance with the general tax regime in the sphere of trade and other areas. After only three months, from 1 January 2016, the use of pos-terminals will become mandatory for individual entrepreneurs, operating under the patent, as well as simplified tax regime.

"There will be no postponements. Everyone should use POS-terminals, write checks, use cash registers", - said Mr. Ergozhin in this connection.

According to the Ministry of Finance, pos-terminal will be introduced by about 300 thousand individual entrepreneurs.

Mazhilis will discuss a package of tax amendments that could affect the interests of entrepreneurs. But, according to Daulet Yergozhin, a legislative proposal to replace VAT with a sales tax in the lower house of parliament has not been yet approved.

Commenting on the subject, the head of the SRC noted that "the new norm will be still discussed further". "I think during the autumn we will decide", - summed D. Ergozhin.

Zhanar Serdalina

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