
One month for the expertise of advertising

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The rules of advertising of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment were revised in Kazakhstan

The Ministry of Health and Social Development warns that there approved new rules for television, newspaper, radio, and other forms of advertising for drugs, medicines and medical equipment.

The requirements for advertising consist of ten points. For example, visitors of pharmacies and hospital patients will appreciate certainly such mandatory information on labels as the trade name, information about the active ingredients, basic indication on use, methods of use and doses, and especially the main side effects and precautions, as well as the conditions of release. In addition, the Ministry of Health stipulates that Kazakhstani residents should know the name, address of a manufacturer or a dealer, who placed the medical goods and could check number, date of issue and validity of the registration certificate, which grants the right to sell it. The Ministry also indicated that the advertised product should not be compared with others, including the price of competitors.

But drug manufacturers, and officials in white robes state that a lot of patience maybe required. Because, according to the rules, evaluate of promotional materials on their compliance with the new requirements and legislation in the health sector as a whole, since the adoption of the relevant rules will be executed within 20 working days, i.e. almost a month. This is an estimation of advertisements, articles, video advertising, advertising text and audio.

On the one hand, the thoroughness of the upcoming advertising expertise looks justified, especially because it concerns the most valuable, that is, each of us - the health and life. On the other hand, there are risks for drug manufacturers, too, especially considering how unstable is foreign currency exchane rate. Sharp jumps in the currency market may devalue not only the promotional efforts of manufacturers, but also lead to an increase in the cost of medical supplies.

It remains to add that the Order of the Minister of Health and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated by February 27, 2015, No. 105 "On Approval of the Rules of the advertising of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", published in the press, shall come into force after ten calendar days upon its first publication. The count down starts today.

Zhanar Serdalina

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