
Myrzakhmetov: "It is necessary to develop one approach to subsidizing the transportation companies of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

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Road transport operators of Kazakhstan gathered in Astana for the first time and discussed the problems of the industry

"Unfortunately, there is no common approach, methodology in matters of road transport subsidies. As Akim understands, they are solved in each area in a certain way. It seems to me, that we can’t leave the situation as it is now, as this type of business is socially significant. We have to do a lot of work with the Government, so that local authorities include it in their budgets", - said the Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov, opening the meeting.

He stressed that among industry entrepreneurs there are unscrupulous. "It is necessary to conduct work with them within the framework of the association (Union of Transport of Kazakhstan “KAZLOGISTICS” ) in order to improve the standards of the industry. I want to assure you that the National Chamber will render full support to the association", - said Myrzakhmetov.

Member of the Committee of logistics and transportation of NCE RK "Atameken", chairman of the Union of Transport of Kazakhstan “Kazlogistics” Serik Aliguzhinov in his report drew attention to the problem of wear and tear of the vehicle fleet in the country. According to him, 47% of commercial vehicles at the disposal of entrepreneurs operate more than 25 years, more than 24% - more than 15 years, more than 6% - more than 10 years. Over 340 thousand units are being exploited, which is 78% of the vehicles that should be written off. 22 thousand buses are being operated for over 25 years, 15,800 - more than 15 years and over 15 thousand units for more than 10 years.

"The above mentioned facts undoubtedly have a negative impact on the quality of passenger and freight transport, road safety, the environment, productivity and efficiency of the park. In order to improve road safety it is necessary to develop and adopt a national program for road safety ", - said Aliguzhinov.

According to him, the current tax system prevents the development of the road transport sector. "With the introduction of a simplified system of taxation for the small-sized businesses with low income, there have been created unequal conditions for large and medium-sized carriers in the country. Some entrepreneurs are forced to split up its business, registering it as small business entity and going to the shade. Also, the tax system has led to the emergence of various illegal carriers. Benefitting tax incentives, simplified tax regime, illegal carriers dump prices, consuming market and contributing to the reduction of tariffs of law-abiding businesses, shifting many regular routes to unprofitable levels", - said the representative of the Union of transport workers.

Aliguzhinov also stressed that the major problem of enterprises, engaged in the socially significant passenger bus transportation, is the system of VAT and CIT deduction.

"In order to study the impact of these taxes on socially significant carriers, by the financial results of the 2013 there was conducted an audit survey of entrepreneurs of the oldest in Kazakhstan Association of Entrepreneurs of passenger transport of Almaty. Losses of entrepreneurs in the urban passenger transport during the year amounted to 580 million tenge in Almaty. Exemption from VAT and CIT would make it possible to cover the losses of passenger bus transportation and business development. This question is raised by NCE and is considered by the working group", - he said.

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