
It will be allowed not to change outdoor advertising for 5 years

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The initiative of NCE RK regarding the extension of the period of placement of outdoor advertising was supported by the authorized body

Entrepreneurs of many regions raise the problem in the field of outdoor (visual) advertising.

As they are not satisfied that the permit for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising is issued only for one year, there are problems with advertising on vehicles.

If we talk about the period of validity of a permit on outdoor advertising, this period is set by the rules of placement of outdoor (visual) advertising in the settlements" (approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, dated by February 7, 2008 # 121).

The period of permit for 1 year creates considerable inconvenience for entrepreneurs, costly installation of advertising objects often doesn’t justify the costs of businesses, in addition, an annual permit and contacts with state authorities create conditions for corruption.

Relevant amendments have been developed by NCE, however, in connection with the reform of the Government (in August 2014), the authorized body in this area was not determined, neither the Ministry of National Economy, nor the Ministry of Industrial Development or the Ministry of Internal affairs wanted to take a function of policy making in the field of advertising, although each ministry to some extent regulate this area within their interests.

At the initiative of the NCE, this issue was put forward for the consideration of the First Deputy Prime Minister B. Sagintayev, it was decided that the competent authority is the Ministry of National Economy.

Later NEM with the involvement of NCE establishes a working group (including representatives of business associations, government agencies, and business entities).  The initiatives of NCE were adopted after the third session, currently the draft law is being developed.

Thus, the competent authority approved proposals of NCE on extension of the period of issuance of a permit for outdoor advertising from 1 to 5 years, and it was decided to abolish permits on placement of outdoor (visual) advertising on vehicles.

The issue of development of the draft law and its adoption is under special control of NCE RK "Atameken".

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