
There is no need to transport imported goods in bypass?

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More than 500 bona fide domestic businessmen can import goods from the EU without restrictions

Kazakh importers and carriers are faced with a problem when importing goods from the sanctioned list to Kazakhstan.

As you know, last year the Russian Federation imposed a ban on the import of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs, originating in the United States, the EU and several other countries to Russia.

The taboo imposed by Russia influences the Kazakh participants of foreign economic activity.

The main problem is the ban on the transit of certain categories of goods transported through the territory of the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Kazakhstan, established as of November 30th, 2014 by the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

Imports of such products, which are destined for Kazakh recipients and recipients in third countries for further transit through the territory of Russia is allowed only through some Russian checkpoints:

• International Automobile Border-crossing Point "Ivangorod" (Leningrad region)

• International Automobile Border-crossing Point "Burachki" (Pskov region)

• International Automobile Border-crossing Point "Torfyanovka" (Leningrad region)

• International Automobile Border-crossing Point "Troebortnoye" (Bryansk region)

• International Automobile Border-crossing Point "Shumilkino" (Pskov region)

• International Automobile Border-crossing Point "Pitalovo" (Pskov region)

• Railway Border-crossing Point "Skangali" (Pskov region)

• Railway Border-crossing Point "Valuiki" (Belgorod region)

• Railway Border-crossing Point "Suzemka" (Bryansk region) and Russian ports.

Thus, in order to deliver the goods to Kazakhstan from the countries of the European Union, it is necessary to pass through Lithuania, Latvia, Finland and the Ukraine, but not through Belarus.

In addition, the Russian agency draws the attention of heads of its territorial units in its notification letter to the fact that the transit of such goods to the Republic of Kazakhstan should be carried out by a permit issued by the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan, indicating the Russian border crossing points on the external border of the Customs Union and the transit of goods to third countries should be carried out by the permits of Rosselkhoznadzor.

The Decision of the Joint Board of Customs Services of the Member States of the Customs Union №13 / 18 dated by December 4, 2014 (Sochi) stipulates an agreement on minimizing customs control of sensitive goods in transit in Kazakhstan, where such transportation is carried out by bona fide carriers or goods are destined for bona fide Kazakhstani beneficiaries.

Pursuant to the decision, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" sent to the address of the State Revenue Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the Ministry of Finance, a list of bona fide manufacturers and carriers, under which SRC MF RK will form a list of such companies.

Currently, this list includes about 560 domestic manufacturers and carriers, related to recycling (sales) and transportation of the above mentioned categories.

State revenue committee of Kazakhstan formally brought to the customs administrations of the Russian Federation and Belarus the relevant information.

Now for the unimpeded transit of sensitive goods through the territory of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Kazakhstan, the carrier or the recipient of goods must be included in the list of bona fide carriers and recipients of goods, and have a permit issued by the Committee of veterinary control and supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan indicating Russian checkpoints on the external border of the Customs Union.

The list of bona fide carriers and recipients of goods, who import certain categories of goods to the Republic of Kazakhstan, can be found here.

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