
Land plots for business in Astana? Yes!

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Akimat of Astana will give this opportunity to budding entrepreneurs

This was announced today at a conference of metropolitan women entrepreneurs by the head of the department of entrepreneurship and industry of Astana city Akimat Malika Bekturova.

"About one thousand plots will be granted for so-called street vendors. This includes all kinds of civilized trade. It won’t be mini-markets or bazaars in the city center, as it was before", - said M. Bekturova.

"This will be a civilized form of trade - sale of ice cream, mobile playgrounds for children", - said the representative of the metropolitan Akimat.

However, she stressed that special requirements will set for prospective tenants. For example, it is design of future facilities, the obligation of cleaning the leased territory. In addition, businesses that are engaged or wish to engage in business should be legal, and have perfect tax records.

"This is a good opportunity for entrepreneurs to try themselves through such projects in small trade, and see how effective it is", - said the head of the department of business and industry.

An established commission will consider all applications, which, in addition to employees of Akimat and the relevant Department will include the representatives of  NCE RK "Atameken", expert councils and industry associations. With regard to the terms of a possible lease of land, Akimat currently considers a long-term lease option, the purchase of land at an auction, or an opening of a business project with socio-entrepreneurial corporations. Malik Bekturova assured that the amount of rent will be "very affordable".

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