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Astana is ready to create facilities for foreign capital even in the sky

Today in the capital of Kazakhstan was launched VII International Investment Forum, i.e. Astana invited again potential investors, billionaires, foreign experts for a visit to demonstrate the capabilities of the domestic economy.

Our country attracts investments, even in spite of the unfavorable economic situation in the world.

"Despite the decline in global investment activity within the past 5 years, Kazakhstan annually attracts about 20 billion dollars of direct foreign investments", - said at the opening ceremony, First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Bakhytzhan Sagintayev.

According to him, over the past 10 years thanks to improved investment climate the inflow of foreign direct investments in Kazakhstan amounted to 215 billion US dollars. Among the projects that have been presented today to foreign visitors is an international financial center in Astana. Speaking on the topic, B. Sagintayev noted that it will be based on the infrastructure of the exhibition "EXPO-2017". To do this, Kazakhstan is in the process of developing and adopting the necessary legislation, but other options are being considered for stimulating investment activity of potential participants in the new financial center. For this purpose, the Government of Kazakhstan is ready to make gradually even more convenient air travel to Astana. "For the development of Astana as a new financial is foreseen gradual liberalization of international air conditions with the principles of the Open Skies", - said Sagintayev.

The chairman of the National Bank Kairat Kelimbetov shared his opinion on the investment future of Astana. "An important area is the development of Islamic finance, and we believe that Astana will be a leader in the development of Islamic finance in the region", - said the head of the National Bank. Developing on the topic.  Kelimbetov said that "the task of the National Bank” is that 10% of total assets of the banking system were accounted for the Islamic finance industry".

The Chairman of the Board of JSC "NC" Astana EXPO 2017" Akhmetzhan Yesimov also excited the participants of “Astana Invest Forum” . He said that it is expected that 100 countries will participate in the exhibition, 49 have already confirmed that will attend the Expo.

"It is also important that the holding of such a large event in a time of economic turmoil provides new opportunities for development and attracting future technologies", - said A. Yesimov.

According to him, 8000 people are employed for the construction of  EXPO-2017. The total size of investment projects on construction of housing, hotels, entertainment venues, constructed for the exhibition, reached 100 bln. tenge.

In the afternoon we will have a detailed presentation of investment projects of Astana. In particular, it will be projects for the exhibition "EXPO - 2017", as well as in the field of intelligent metropolitan transportation, intelligent infrastructure, the development of the International Airport of Astana, innovative perspectives.

The schedule of workshops is very full, the tone of the event is set by recognized international experts in various fields. For the first time this year, there was organized the Kazakh-Emirati Business Forum. According to the organizing committee, 3,000 people from 30 countries have registered for the participation in it.

The organizers said that by the end of the first day of the Forum, there were signed more than 30 memoranda on attraction of investment for projects. Thus, the company Shina Railway Asia Europe Construction Investment Co.Ltd expressed its intention to invest about 100 million dollars to build the company for leasing of engineering construction machinery in Astana.

Zhanar Serdalina

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