
NCE protected business interests in the amount of 8.7 billion tenge

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In total, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs received nearly 3,500 complaints on violations of the rights of businessmen in 2015

For 9 months of 2015 the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" received 3 497 complaints on violations of the rights of entrepreneurs. Out of these complaints, 1420 cases were positively resolved, and entrepreneurs’ property rights in the amount of 8.7 billion tenge were protected.

In terms of regions, East Kazakhstan region leads - 355 appeals. Almaty city takes the second place - 341 appeals, then Astana – 269 appeals. The smallest number of appeals was received by the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kyzylorda region - 53 appeals. The Head Office of NCE RK for 9 months received 710 complaints of businessmen on violations of their rights.

If to conduct industry analysis, the greatest number of problems, faced by businessmen, is associated with land relations, architecture and construction - 20% of the total number of applications. Another topical issue is taxation (14%). On the third place are state and other kinds of procurements - 11%.

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