
Entrepreneurs suggest to create a pool of lawyers in the structure of NCE RK

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It is expected that they will protect in court the interests of business from abuse of power by the officials

The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" received a letter from LLP "World of cereals". An entrepreneur expressed his gratitude for the provision of support. The company has started the implementation of its project on organization of food production worth 2 billion tenge in the SEZ "Astana - new city". However, the customs authorities illegally levied customs duties and taxes on materials imported for the construction of production facilities in the SEZ,thus, they obstructed the work of the company. This ultimately led to the loss of a foreign investor.

"Thanks to the support and professional actions of the Department of Customs Administration NCE RK, who held a series of meetings with interested state bodies, as well as took part in the court session, we were able to defend their interests. Specialized Interdistrict Economic Court of Astana issued a decision in our favor", - states the letter.

The letter also suggested the need for a pool professional trial lawyers in the structure of NCE RK, "that can not only protect the business in the court but will seek to punish those officials who interfere in every way in business in our country".

Entrepreneurs emphasize that the existing vicious practice of fiscal authorities to bring lawsuits against entrepreneurs until the last instance - the Supreme Court is in fact a legal mechanism of putting pressure on business. "The courts may take up to 2 years, and all this time entrepreneurs are left to struggle with all the power of the state machine represented by customs, tax authorities and prosecutors. They have to spend their time and money in the courts instead of business development and some officials and their superiors, even if they lose in court, bear no responsibility", - stated the letter.

The company expressed its gratitude to the head of the Presidium of NCE RK Timur Kulibayev, as well as the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK Ablay Myrzakhmetov for work carried out by NCE in protection of rights and interests of business.

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