
Private entities will be engaged in project expertise

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It is expected that Kazakhstan will shift from the state monopoly in expertise of urban planning

NCE RK "Atameken" asks entrepreneurs of design and construction complex to take part in discussions of the draft order of the Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan "On approval of rules on conduction of a comprehensive urban planning examination of urban planning projects at all levels".

As you know, in the framework of the Plan of the nation - 100 concrete steps to implement five institutional reforms declared by the head of the state, the 47th step is "gradual shift from state monopoly in the field of the expertise of pre-design and planning estimates. The transfer of expertise in a competitive environment".

In this regard, in support of the provisions of the Law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on issues of architecture, urban planning and construction” # 366-V dated by 28th of October 2015, the authorized state agency developed the corresponding regulations in the form of rules and other regulatory documents. In essence, these draft regulations include the introduction of new regulatory instruments and a significant expansion of competence of the authorized body, which, in turn, complicate the business environment.

In the context of the above-mentioned draftr, it was suggested for the state authorities to review "rules for creation of expert commissions (expert groups) and attraction of professionals (specialized institutions and organizations) to participate in a comprehensive outsourced and urban development expertise" and "rules for expert advice on planning and construction projects (technical and feasibility study and design and estimate documentation)".

In connection with the foregoing, and also taking into account the importance and relevance of the documents in question, NCE RK asks businesses to study draft orders of the state body and to send their comments in the period until November 17, 2015 to the e-mail of Deputy Secretary of the Secretariat of the Committee of construction, production of building materials and housing NCE RK “Atameken” marked as "regarding examination of projects".

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