
Nurzhan Altaev: "Long-term contracts give entrepreneurs an opportunity to work on their competitiveness"

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It is suggested to create a register of bona fide suppliers and an industrial certifier in Kazakhstan

NCE RK “Atameken” in conjunction with the National Welfare Fund “Samruk-Kazyna” is working on development of a new concept in the procurement system, i.e. the creation of so-called register of bona fide suppliers as well as creation of an industrial certifier, which will be issued instead of a CT-KZ certificate ", - said Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Nurzhan Altaev at a briefing at the Service of the Central Communications.

According to the deputy chairman of the Board of  NCE RK, an industrial certifier will replace the current CT-KZ certificate, confirming local content in domestically produced goods.

"As you know, today the CT-KZ certificate is a topical issue. This certificate is used to confirm that the manufacturer is a domestic producer. But in connection with the agreements that our country has signed in the framework of the WTO and the EAEU, the conditional discounts offered to domestic producers will be excluded. Of course, in connection with this, we need to move to a new mechanism, to a new order in this matter", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

According to him, in the nearest future "Atameken" and "Samruk-Kazyna" intend to propose to the Government to introduce an industrial certifier, and a register of bona fide suppliers in the domestic procurement.

As it was said by Nurzhan Altaev, in August of this year, NCE organized the audit of certificates issued to domestic enterprises, as there were a lot of complaints from entrepreneurs about the facts that holders of the certificates are not domestic producers in reality.

"Out of 95 companies that we have tested, only 40 confirmed the presence of local content, more than 50 companies didn’t confirm their domestic content. There were revealed many other facts, for example, there is a sign, but there is no production, as they often simply attached the logo "Made in Kazakhstan" on imported goods and the companies were involved in the procurement of state agencies and the system of "Samruk-Kazyna", - deputy chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" shared the facts of existing violations

According to him, the certificates confirming alleged domestic production are revoked in these situations, but in certain cases the information was transferred to law enforcement agencies. "There have already been initiated four criminal cases by the revealed facts, pre-trial verification has been conducted ", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

According to him, since the beginning of 2015 NCE together with the National Welfare Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" has done a lot to ensure local content in the procurement of "Samruk - Kazyna".

"Since the beginning of 2015 we conduct the work on the conclusion of contracts in the system of "Samruk - Kazyna ". The role of NCE RK is to identify the goods and services that need to be translated into long-term contracts. This enables entrepreneurs to plan their budget, to work on their competitiveness, to get engaged in purchase of new technologies, to invest in human capital", - said Nurzhan Altaev.

According to him, NCE RK together with the Fund "Samruk-Kazyna" has signed 2114 long-term contracts in 2015 in the amount of 883 billion tenge, including goods - 606 contracts, equaling 307 billion tenge.

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