
Questions of the use of domestic materials are still open

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The schedule of meetings by sectors will be developed

During the selectoral meeting at the site of NCE RK were discussed the issue of the use of domestic products in the construction of Expo-2017. The meeting was attended by representatives of JSC "NC" Astana EXPO - 2017 "; General Designer “IT ENGINEERING SA”; general contractors of LLP "SK" Basis ", LLP “BI Group Corporation”, LLP “Turkuaz YDA Stroy “, AFF “Mabco constructions s.a.”, as well as RSE" State Expertise ", the Center for Pricing in Construction "KazNIISA" and domestic entrepreneurs.

The reason of the meeting was an appeal of JSC “Alageum Electric”, which indicated that the general designer for construction of “EXPO-2017” “IT ENGINEERING S.A.” ignores the products of the domestic entrepreneur, and there are facts of promotion of third-party companies, as well as artificially created reasons for non-use of goods, works and services.

At the meeting the representatives of JSC “Alageum Electric” noted that general contractors are ready to purchase transformers of their production, however, the general designer “IT ENGINEERING S.A.” for EXPO has already laid in the documentation that transformers of the French company have to be installed.

Chief Engineer of the Project of the branch of “IT ENGINEERING S.A.” Sergey Astafev said that based on the principles of competition, the company chose the supplier that offered the most affordable price on this equipment with the same characteristics. The representative of "Astana-EXPO" Omirkhan Mukanov said that he transformer according to the quotation - is only 8% of the whole mechanism, and for proper operation it is necessary to buy supporting equipment in the amount of 92% and these components are purchased from foreign companies.

The representative of "Astana-EXPO" Omirkhan Mukanov explained as follows: "The equipment selected for construction after the construction and installation works will be transferred to JSC "Astana REC ". Thus, before choosing a supplier we receive advice from JSC "Astana REC", which are crucial. At the same time, the general contractor understands the importance of application of domestic commodity production, but the price plays a final role. Contractors selected items themselves, EXPO does not interfere in the procedure of selection of suppliers, in this case, and the customer mainly cares about quality and resources".

The representatives of JSC “Alageum Electric”, LLP “Almaty Fan Works”, LLP "Corporation Saiman", LLP “ECODOS Engineering”, Association of Legal Entities "Kazakhstan Association of Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics", the company “Stone Décor”, LLP “IT & M”, LLP “Santechprom”, LLP “Avenue”, the company “ELCOS”, LLP" PKF "Ulba-Electro" and others delivered speeches during the meeting.

In general, the complaints of Kazakhstani producers are related to the fact that in the projects of construction of Expo are being used imported goods, though domestic products are not inferior in quality, performance, and in some cases are even cheaper.

Deputy Chairman of  NCE RK "Atameken" Yuliya Yakupbaeva noted that the main issue is to ensure that all general contractors are ready to purchase domestic goods, but often in construction projects is indicated the use of products of foreign companies according to the design documentation, as a rule, customers and contractors a priori think that foreign goods are better quality and more reliable than Kazakhstani. The Register of domestic producers formed by NCE RK includes more than 650 manufacturers. Are all of their products of poor quality? "- asked a direct question, Deputy Chairman of the Board.

The main question that was voiced by domestic producers - whether changes can be introduced to the design and estimate documentation  in the part of a supplier and a product name? And with whom to carry out further cooperation if the design documentation notes a specific item of a domestic or a foreign producer - with the contractor or the designer? If a foreign supplier was selected what action should be taken by domestic producers to justify the need for the project to include his goods or equipment in design documentation? Suppliers don’t understand the process of determination of the total volume and schedule of construction, which makes it difficult to plan.

"Astana EXPO" announced that he draft and suppliers in the design documentation can be altered, and can be negotiated at the level of interaction between the producer and the general contractor. The general contractor addresses to the customer "Astana EXPO" with the results of the study for renegotiation of the certain materials or equipment in the design documentation, but the goods must meet the obligatory provisions of SNIP.

In addition, the representative of “Expo-2017” Omirbek Mukanov said that the work in this direction is underway, weekly meetings are held on construction sites with an invitation to manufacturers to further develop the quantity and range of products.

In order to inform about the remaining procurement, "Astana EXPO" is ready to conduct a number of meetings with suppliers for the main sectors of the construction, to present to them the projects of EXPO so that suppliers could generate information on the nature of the materials used, the necessary facilities with a note that the 25 hectares of land - it is mainly construction of glass and lightweight construction. And also the fact that 50% of these are investment projects where the investors choose the suppliers themselves.

The representative of "KazNIISA" Aigul Tleuberlina drew attention of all producers to the fact that the purchases are carried out in two stages: first, the design work, then the contract work. In this context, it is not guaranteed that a product recommended by the design documentation will be selected by the contractor, and that the products will be eventually purchased.

The representative of the plant "Kazenergocable" said that his company made an offer for supply of construction materials for more than 2 billion 200 million tenge, including the construction of housing for EXPO, but managed to supply its products only for 95 million tenge for companies "SK Basis" and " BI Group”. Another example of this company is the commercial offer sent to the JSC "Sembol Inshaat" for 335 millionenge, but they signed an agreement only for supply of materials only for 702,000 tenge.

Yuliya Yakupbaeva proposed a constructive solution of the raised issues - organize meetings by sectors: cable, electrical equipment, pumping equipment, decoration materials, profiles and other, involving consenting persons including RCP "Astana Su Arnasy", JSC "Astana REC" and other relevant operating organizations. "And in this case, NCE RK is a dialogue platform, both for Expo, the general designer, and the operating companies, as in certain areas general contractors are not aware of the existence of specific producers", - concluded Yuliya Yakupbaeva.

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