
Customers and suppliers will know everything about each other

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Trade Register of the Center for Monitoring and market expertise will be created in Kazakhstan

The director of the Center for Monitoring and market expertise Nariman Tulegenov presented the concept of trade register at the regular fifth meeting of the Council on combating corruption and the shadow economy NCE RK.

"Trade Register is a uniform information field, where customers can find information about all suppliers and a supplier can obtain information about all procurements", - he explained.

According to the director of Center for Monitoring and market expertise, a trade register will allow for timely information about tender announcements, it will involve a greater number of suppliers in the procurement, providing equal opportunities for all potential suppliers, it will encourage participation of honest suppliers and exclusion of pseudo entrepreneurs in procurement.

What will the Government get? "Full information on domestic producers of goods, works and services, the full reliable information on the state procurement, procurement of national companies and subsoil users, reducing the risks of corruption, a tool for state regulation of local content, transparent management of public procurement system", - said Nariman Tulegenov.

According to his statement, "Atameken" will get a tool to protect the interests of domestic producers of goods and services for reliable monitoring of active entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, the ability to assess the effectiveness of measures of entrepreneurship support, an effective tool for industry associations to protect the interests of domestic producers.

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