
The Council for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and the Council on combating corruption and the shadow economy of NCE have been amalgamated

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Chairman of the Board of NCE Ablay Myrzakhmetov signed a decree on establishment of the Council on the protection of entrepreneurs' rights and anti-corruption of NCE RK "Atameken"

The Council is an advisory body of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs and carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter and internal documents of NCE.

In its work, the Council is guided by the principles of transparency and legality. The Council may include representatives of the parliament, government agencies, accredited (unions) and other non-profit organizations, senior officials of the National Chamber, scientists, lawyers, experts, business entities, and representatives of the media.

The Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Board and Board members of NCE RK "Atameken" can participate in the work of the Council.

The Council was established with the purpose of operational and system solutions of problems in terms of presentation and protection of the rights and lawful interests of business entities and the fight against corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as public lighting.

The main tasks of the Council are the protection of entrepreneurs' rights and freedom of entrepreneurship, introduction of proposals to state bodies and organizations on bringing to justice officials responsible for violation of the rights of entrepreneurs, training and submission of appeals to state authorities and to protect the members of NCE, keeping their official correspondence, protection of their rights and legitimate interests.

Chairman of the Council for the protection of entrepreneurs' rights and anti-corruption is the Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of NCE Kairbek Suleimenov.

The Council consists of members of the Board of NCE, Mazhilis of the Kazakh Parliament, representatives NCE, government agencies, associations, media, public figures and bloggers.

The Regulations of the Council can be found here.

A list of Council members can be found here.

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