
Do not be afraid of legalization

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The head of state urged big business to take more active part in the process of legalization

This statement was made by Nursultan Nazarbayev today at the enlarged government meeting in Akorda.

In addition, the President of Kazakhstan said that big business should actively participate in the privatization. The President instructed the Government to immediately implement the privatization plan after the approval of the priority list of privatization objects. It is planned that it will be 65 largest  companies in the republican ownership and 182 subsidiaries of state fund "Samruk-Kazyna".

"I appeal to our rich people who show themselves rich in glossy magazines. The Government over the years has created conditions for you to become so rich. Therefore, I appeal to you in the first place to take an active part in the legalization, secondly, in the privatization of large objects", - he said.

The President also noted that he intends to discuss these issues at a meeting with businessmen. "And we say, it's your money, your objects, but they will be invested here in Kazakhstan", - concluded N. Nazarbayev.

Zhanar Serdalina

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