
Should entrepreneurs wait for tax concessions?

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The Parliament adopted amendments to tax and customs regulations, which are now directed for signing to the Head of State

According to the changes in tax legislation, peasant farmers, who pay a single land tax, will get an increase in the size of the total area of ​​marginal agricultural land.

Individual entrepreneurs can now register without paying tax.

For certain categories of taxpayers (war veterans, invalids of I, II, III groups, disabled child, etc.) was foreseen an increase in the limit of income tax from 55 MCI to 75 MCI, which is exempt from taxation.

According to the amendments, the period of submission of an application on the failure of a cash register is extended from 5 days to 3 days, as previously. It will be possible to return money placed on the account of temporary placement of funds of the authorized body within 10 days instead of 20, it is sufficient to provide a report on the performance of the obligations as an importer in terms of intended use of registration-control marks when importing alcoholic beverages, etc. .

In 2016 some participants of foreign economic activity (authorized economic operators, owners of temporary storages etc.) must apply apply electronic invoices, and in 2017 these rules apply to all VAT payers.

From next year the application of electronic invoices is compulsory for a turnover of tobacco products, imports of alcoholic beverages and petroleum products, as of 2017 it applies to internal displacement and import of goods to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a list of goods will be approved by the competent authority.

The head of state signed legislative amendments on agricultural cooperatives and entrepreneurship, which provide for amendments and additions to the Tax Code.

More information about changes and additions to the Tax Code is available here.

The draft law of RK on Entrepreneurship

A draft law on agricultural cooperatives

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