
"Atameken" is not chasing the quantity

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs helps to clarify the map of industrial projects

Regional offices of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" are actively involved in the adjustment of the map of industrial projects.

This was announced today during the Government meeting by the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

On November 18 at the enlarged meeting of the Government in Akorda, the Head of State instructed the Ministry of Investment and Development to reduce the number of industrial projects, the launch of which is planned during the second five-year plan of industrialization, and focus only on promising projects that can provide a guaranteed economic effect.

As it was reported at today's Government meeting by the Minister of Investment and Development Asset Issekeshev, in 2015, according to local government offices, will be introduced 120 projects. Out of these, three Republican - Aktobe forest beam plant, Bolshakovsky GOK, creation of a system of remote sensing. "These projects will work and will make a significant contribution to the economy", - said the minister.

117 regional projects, in connection with which Issekeshev "urged regional Akims to take their projects under their personal control". "There is only one month, and all questions should be resolved in an expeditious manner", - he said.

Reporting on the current situation to the Prime Minister Karim Masimov, the minister noted the substantial contribution of NCE RK "Atameken" in the process of  revision of the regional maps of industrial projects. "At the level of the Government, the Ministry creates institutional conditions as the projects are implemented in the regions. And "Atameken" and Akimats see what kind of projects are implemented. We expect that the main work in the region will be strengthened", - said Issekeshev.

In turn, Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov stressed that NCE is "not after a quantity".

"We looked at portfolios in Akimats, out of more than 600 projects we reduced the number to 350. Now 180 are under consideration on the basis of competitiveness", - said the head of the Board. He noted that the projects were selected according to several criteria.

"We met with the owners of the business, checked the quality of their management and business strategy. 10 000 subjects were identified, on 1st of December the discussion with akimats will be complete, and in December a draft map of regional development will be presented to the Government ", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

Speaking about existing projects, according to the Chairman of the Board of NCE, now there are 330. "We sit with Akimats in the regional commissions, we conduct monitoring. In December, the projects will also be presented to the Government", - he added.

At a government meeting, and there was much talk about changing the conditions of support for exporters. "We will move away from the targeted support to the creation of institutional conditions. And businesses have to rely on themselves", - said Asset Issekeshev. At the same time the Ministry of Investment and Development promises to help "with access to the export, in the preparation of human capital for such businesses, and to improve the business climate".

Summing up the topic, Karim Masimov stressed that during the adjustment of the map of projects it is important to subdivide it into groups according to the criteria, whose capital will be used for opening businesses. "If an entrepreneur is building a company with his own money, he has the right to make any decisions on his own", - said the Prime Minister. He added that in issuing a loan to an entrepreneur, the  commercial bank should make an examination, since it bears the risk for the financing of a project.

"If you are using public funds, then the responsibility is another. And de facto today in one form or another support and development of new businesses - a direct or indirect financing through securitization, is connected with public money in one way or another. So, Aset Orentayevich (Issekeshev - Minister for Investment and Development - Ed.), it is your role and the role of "Atameken"", - said the Prime Minister.

Zhanar Serdalina

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