
More helpful information in the appendix "Businessman"

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NCE "Atameken" and the public welfare fund "Paryz" concluded a cooperation agreement

According to the Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Rustam Zhursunov, the agreement aims to mobilize information and analytical resources of NCE using the mobile application "Business Man".

"The subject of our agreement is that NCE takes commitment to provide a range of analytical services, services for the protection of business and distribution of this information through a mobile application", - said Zhursunov.

"Every businessman with a light touch of a mobile phone can use the full potential of the resources as a public charitable foundation" Paryz "and NCE. In particular, I'm talking about such trivial matters, where to get a loan, how to open a business, how to protect your business, what products offers the Department of service support", - said the representative of the NCE.

Through the mobile application entrepreneurs get an access to information on the system of  legal protection of the National Chamber, guidelines and methods for promoting the fight against corruption, public monitoring, manuals on measures of state support for SMEs, directories of business plans, interesting information on services within the framework of a non-financial business support.

More information about the mobile application will be available at service centers and business centers support for entrepreneurs of NCE.

Businessman – is a unique mobile application designed for the business community with a view to support and to expand transparent conditions for its successful development. The application works in the Eurasian Union - Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia, it is open and provides a free access. The application developer is a public charitable foundation "Paryz".

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