
Common Kazakhstani brand

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On the initiative of NCE RK "Atameken" will be held the I Forum of commodity producers "Uly Dala Eli" In Astana

On December 4, 2015 at the exhibition center "Korme" will be held a plenary session "Ways of development of commodity producers "Uly Dala Eli" within the frames of the First Forum of commodity producers "Uly Dala Eli".

As you know, on 27th of July  this year Kazakhstan has signed a protocol on accession to the Marrakesh Agreement (WTO).

Accession to the WTO will create new opportunities for the business environment, but at the same time, requires improvement of the existing mechanism of the organization of business community, support measures, ways of development for the domestic business, and the development of international cooperation and industrial cooperation.

In this regard, NCE RK "Atameken" decided to hold an annual forum aimed at establishing cooperation between suppliers and customers, as well as informing businesses about the planned and implemented measures aimed at development of the business and the national economy.

The purpose of the forum is to improve the interaction between the domestic goods manufacturers and their customers, in order to strengthen their cooperation and to develop a business perspective on topical issues of cooperation.

The main idea of ​​this event is to create a common Kazakh brand "Uly Dala Eli", which was proposed by the Head of State.

Within the frames of the Forum, it is expected that there will be signed about 20 long-term contracts and memorandums of interaction between customers and domestic producers for a total amount of up to 10 billion tenge, as well as the award ceremony "The Best Customer of 2015".

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