
Local entrepreneurs can transport goods by ferry

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NCE RK recommends alternative routes for domestic carriers

On 28th of November this year the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on measures to ensure Russia's national security and protection of Russian citizens from criminal and other illegal activities and on the use of special economic measures against Turkey.

In accordance with the provisions of the Decree, the Government of RF was commissioned to determine the list of goods, works (services), which will be banned or restricted within foreign economic operations, including their import to the territory of Russia.

However, currently about 78 Kazakh cargo vehicles are on the border of the Customs Union, and are restricted from transit through the territory of the Russian Federation to Kazakhstan (customs checkpoints Verkhni Lars, Troebortnoye and Krupets).

The public authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan represented by the State Revenue Committee of MF RK, Committee of Transport of MID RK together with NCE RK "Atameken" are currently trying to resolve the situation within their competences.

In this context, we pay attention of domestic carriers, transiting through Russia from Turkey, the possibility of temporary use of alternative routes in order to diversify the routes.

So, now the port of Aktau has the ability to serve the ferries on a regular basis.

Servicing of ferries is carried out on the quays #2, #6 and #8. The quay #8 has the ability to handle both railway carriages and wheeled vehicles. Quays #6 and #2 can service only wheeled vehicles.

It is proposed to transport wheeled vehicles on the railway ferries of the type "Mercury-1" and "Academician Zarifa Aliyeva" (Azerbaijan), which are serviced on the quay number 8.

The ferries of the type "Mercury-1" and "Academician Zarifa Aliyeva" fit in 34 and 44 units of wheeled trucks (euro trucks), respectively, the average processing time of ferries is 14 hours.

On the territory of the port can be served two loads of ferries at a time, i.e. 75 trucks.

In good weather conditions in one month the port capacity can be about 2.5 - 3 thousand units of wheeled vehicles (imports + exports).

Currently Azerbaijan exercises ferry transportation from the terminal, located in Baku. According to the Baku Port, the planned volume of transportation of wheeled equipment is about 20 thousand units per year.

According to rough estimates compiled by the Committee of transport MID RK, charges at the port of Baku will be about 1378, 03 dollars, charges at the port of Aktau - 52, 87 USD.

Depending on the size and weight of vehicles cost of services for 1 unit will be in between 1400 -1600 US dollars.

The list of required documents to the port of Aktau

1. technical passport  on a vehicle, a trailer;

2. The passport of the driver;

3. Power of attorney on the driver’s name (if he is part of the company);

4. IDA (TIR Carnet) on the cargo;

5. The invoice for the goods.

However, note that at present the Transport Committee of MID RK conducts negotiations with the Azerbaijani side on the maximum price reduction for freight ferries in two way routes via the Caspian Sea.

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