
In the near future NCE RK "Atameken" will present the Map of Regional Development

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This was announced by the Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov at a briefing at the Service of Central Communications.

According to him, a pool of experts worked on the development of this document and, in fact, the work was done properly. In the recent address to the nation the President also put an emphasis on the development of the regions, in line with the objectives of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. As it was stated by the head of "Atameken", a work plan in this area is ready and can be represented to the Head of State for consideration.

"The initiative of the Head of State on the formation of macro-regions will contribute to the development of private business. When developing maps in the first place, we have focused on regional specialization. This will allow investors to navigate the specifics of a particular region, so that they can know exactly where it is necessary to invest", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov. He added that the map of regional development will help to solve some of the problems impeding the development of enterprises. "We are working with local authorities in close collaboration in this direction, ", - said the chairman of the Board of NCE. By the way, for the convenience of foreign investors, the map of regional development will be translated into English.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov also said that in regions there were already identified about 10 thousand entities - the drivers of economic growth, around which will be formed new projects, as it was stated by the President in his address to the people of Kazakhstan.

"Key companies have already been identified. We must clearly understand what value does an entity present and on whom to put stakes. These are businessmen working on the market for the past 20 years, who have shown their work results. We need to put our stakes on them. It is necessary to select regional leaders among them", - concluded the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken".

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