
Where is it easy to run business?

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In April, NCE will publish results of the rankings on ease of doing business for 2016 by 5 parameters
This was stated by the Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov at a briefing at the National Chamber of entrepreneurs, dedicated to the discussion of the President's Address to the Nation.

"NCE is represented in all regions and has the ability to support business at the district level. "Atameken" for the second year holds the rating on ease of doing business in the regions, where often there are complaints of businessmen on the actions of local executive bodies in the sphere of land relations, architecture and construction, procurement, taxation, SEC, etc. That is, all the tools are owned by local authorities, do not meet the requirements of the business", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov. Chairman of the Board of NCE also added that in April 2017 will be released the results of the rating for 2016 by 5 parameters. "It is very important that KPI of akims will be judged by how they support the business", - he said.

According to A. Myrzahmetov, NCE and the Government have the task – to consider this issue and to prepare proposals. NCE has the corresponding analysis, some changes should be introduced in it. "These are questions of connection to engineering networks, energy, although from time to time complaints arise because local authorities impose illegal requirements on business", - said the head of the Board of NCE.

Ablay Myrzakhmetov sees the solution in the creation of a single electronic window, where the entrepreneur can without going through various bureaucratic procedures, access to engineering networks, energy, etc. In some regions in the pilot version is already implemented such a project. For example, in Shymkent there is access to generation capacity in electronic form, which is very convenient for business.

It should be noted in the current address the Government together with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" instructed to take measures to reduce all kinds of costs for business. This is especially the energy, transport and logistics, as well as utilities costs. As it was stated by the Head of State, the procedure of rendering public services should be optimized as much as possible. It is necessary to reduce the time and a list of documents in order to eliminate duplicate procedures. Thus, it is necessary to translate them fully in an electronic format, without the need for physical presence.



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