
Kulibayev: "The participation of NCE in the procurement will eliminate discrimination of domestic producers"

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The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" and "Samruk-Kazyna" signed an agreement on cooperation in the field of procurement

Under the agreement, there will be set up sectoral working groups on the conclusion and monitoring of long-term contracts with domestic producers, which will include representatives of NCE RK "Atameken". They will be able to participate in the development and improvement of regulations on the procurement procedure of the Fund.

Experts of NCE will be a part of the Commission on review and evaluation of projects under the Programme of modernization of existing and creation of new productions in 2014-2022.

In addition, representatives of NCE will be directly involved in the examination of design and estimate documentation, feasibility studies, technical projects and applications for participation in investment and other potential projects of suppliers and customers. This will allow to set up the minimum and maximum values ​​of local content, including the creation of joint ventures, attraction of domestic enterprises to subcontracting, as well as to develop any recommendations for the development of local content.

"Starting from the pre-qualification selection and finishing with control functions of the procurement process, i.e. the representatives of the National Chamber are invited everywhere, that is, our employees can participate at the stage of application for tender not only at the central level but also in the regions. It is clear that the enterprises of the Fund are spread across the country and the regions, they will also look for opportunities of cooperation with local regional chambers, to ensure application of non-discrimination measures against domestic producers at the stage of development of a feasibility study. If this kind of a product is produced in Kazakhstan, we will insist on its inclusion in the procurement plan at the level of preparation of the design project documentation: equipment, suchproducts, which are made in Kazakhstan, must be applied in a particular form of procurement", - said the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev.

Moreover, the time frame for signing of a contract was increased to 25 days – i.e. an opportunity to appeal any violation in respect of domestic producers. The supply period was also increased up to 60 days to ensure that in preparation of technical specifications weren’t taken into account the interests of affiliates.

"The negative practices in procurement, which we observed in the past two years, we will “purge” under this agreement, we will come to a consensus, as we need to address these issues more effectively. I want to say again: it is difficult time, crisis, state procurements and procurements of the Fund are reduced, so all envisaged procurements must be implemented effectively in order to support domestic producers", - said the head of the Presidium of NCE RK.

In September this year, "Samruk-Kazyna" presented a new draft concept of procurement, developed in accordance with WTO rules and conditions of the EAEU Treaty.

"The Fund is working steadily to improve the efficiency and transparency of the procurement system, focusing on local content. Long-term contracts are one of our measures to support local entrepreneurs in the conditions of an increased competition. And now, together with the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, we will work on improvement of the position of manufacturers. It is very important for every citizen of Kazakhstan to obtain quality goods and services from local suppliers", - he said, in turn, the Chairman of the Board of "Samruk-Kazyna" Umirzak Shukeyev.

The joint work will focus on three main areas: long-term contracts between local producers, ensuring transparency of planned and carried out procurements, and monitoring of prices on goods, works and services and the share of local content.

This work will allow domestic manufacturers to receive medium - and long-term contracts in the current difficult economic situation and to increase the competiveness in the framework of Kazakhstan's accession to the WTO.

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