
Specialized centre on gas issues: light at the end of the tunnel?

- Atyrau Region
7431 просмотров

In Atyrau, on the basis of the production branch of JSC "KazTransGazAymak" was opened a specialized centre for provision of services to the population

Its main goal is to provide quality and operational services to consumers on gas supply issues.

Will the new centre become the "lifeline" for business in solution of urgent problems?

According to the director of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Atyrau region Asylbek Dzhakiev, this year business is particularly worried about issues related to the monopolists. This is evidenced by statistics - this year the number of complaints from business entities on issues related to natural monopolies, as compared to the year 2014, increased by more than 90%, almost twice. In particular, among the largest monopolies, the biggest number of claims from Atyrau entrepreneurs was on "KazTransGazAymak". Business entities, addressing to the Chamber, complained on the difficulty of obtaining the technical conditions, the need to make 100% advance payment for connection to the gas, they expressed dissatisfaction with the terms professional technical maintenance and, in general, they said that the organization is closed and it is hard to get here. The Regional Chamber has conducted negotiation with the monopoly for a long time, the main essence of which was that the company has created favorable conditions for business. As a result of the last meeting between the leadership of the Chamber and the newly appointed director of the production branch "KazTransGazAymak", it was agreed that from now on the problematic issues of business both in the regional center and the districts will be addressed promptly. One of the most effective measures in this direction was opening of a specialized center for provision of services to the population in Atyrau.

As it was stated at the opening ceremony, Deputy General Director of JSC "KazTransGazAymak" Akylbay Saparov, the specialized center for provision of services to the population is equipped with modern technology, which allows to integrate information systems and as soon as possible to provide services on the principle of "one window". The center can serve up to 50 people. For the convenience of people, there is a waiting room, various sectors with consultants, documentation and registration, as well as a sector for issuance of ready documents. In addition, the center introduced SMS-mailing that allows you to automatically notify customers about the availability of documents on the gasification with the date and time. In total, the centre offers 26 types of services.

"The main task of the center is quality and fast service to its subscribers. Consumers of "KazTransGazAymak" may apply here with their questions. In particular, the collection and acceptance of documents for the gasification, opening of accounts to pay for gas, preparation of contracts, and more. We don’t want our consumers to walk from office to office, to go to various authorities for harmonization of documents, we want them to receive the entire package of services on gasification in one place within a short time ", - said Akylbay Saparov.

As for business, according to the Deputy General Director of JSC "KazTransGazAymak", opening of the centre will provide businesses easy access to infrastructure. This new center will allow business entities to save time and money, said the representative of the company.

The specialized centre for provision of services to the population in Atyrau is the fourth in the country. Today similar centres are working in Shymkent, Kostanay and Taraz.

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