
Official address of NCE RK "Atameken" to the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation

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Kazakh trucks are standing on the Russian-Georgian border for the tenth day

As authorized body by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to represent and to protect the interests of Kazakhstan's business, the Chamber refers to the Federal Customs Service of Russia for assistance in resolution of the critical situation at the Russian section of the external border of the Eurasian Economic Union.

According to the Union of International Road Carriers of the Republic of Kazakhstan "KazATO" from 25th of November  at the customs checkpoints Verkhniy Lars (section of the Russian-Georgian border), Troebortnoye and Krupets (section of the Russian-Ukrainian border) prohibited transit of Kazakhstani motor vehicles following from Turkey to Kazakhstan through Russia.

On December 2, 74 vehicles were waiting at these customs points.

The authorized bodies of Kazakhstan have taken all possible measures and worked out alternative itineraries for domestic vehicles, as a result a  part of carriers changed they routes.

Currently, according to information received from KazATO, about 35 cars have been waiting for the tenth day in a neutral territory in the vicinity of these customs checkpoints without the possibility to travel by an alternative routes or go back.

Kazakh drivers were in a very difficult situation: unfavorable weather conditions, lack of basic amenities and funds for livelihood.

In the absence of preliminary information from the Federal Customs Service of Russia, Kazakh carriers were not prepared for this kind of situation, as a result there is no clear understanding of the algorithm of actions.

In accordance with the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union member states does not prohibit to impose unilaterally temporary economic measures on trade with third countries.

However, NCE RK "Atameken" believes that any decision of the Member States must not infringe the rights and interests of partners.

Moreover, as it was stressed by NCE RK "Atameken", these measures, in accordance with Presidential Decree #583 “On measures to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation and protection of Russian citizens from criminal and other illegal activities and on the use of special economic measures against the Turkish Republic", introduced on 1st of January 2016, and the current restriction of business does not correspond to the spirit of integration and mutually beneficial relations.

In connection with this, NCE RK "Atameken" urges the Russian Federal Customs Service to resolve the situation by permitting transit of Kazakh goods through the external borders of the Eurasian Economic Union, coming from the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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