
Who is the best customer?

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The companies, which have signed contracts with the largest number of domestic producers, were awarded

The number of long-term contracts and the share of local content become selection criteria in the contest of NCE RK "Atameken"

From 27th of November to 3rd of  December the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" held a contest of the best customers of goods of domestic production in 2015.

"We looked at the effectiveness of the work of the customers, we monitored how many long-term contracts they have concluded, to see how many contracts were signed with domestic producers. We also analyzed the proportion of local content. Next, we conducted an online vote to determine the extent to which these companies are transparent, whether there are complaints against them. Accordingly, we took into account all these parameters and defined the leaders", - said the director of the department of public procurement and local content NCE RK "Atameken" Zhenisbek Dulatov.

For example, the recognized leaders in the category of long-term contracts with domestic producers are JSC "Locomotive", which has 9 long-term contracts  worth 413 billion tenge, JSC "UMG" - 494 contracts worth 45 billion tenge and LLP "Volkovgeologiya" - 23 contracts worth 16 billion tenge.

In the second category was analyzed the proportion of local content in the procurement of the Fund for 11 months of 2015. "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" with 94 %  and JSC "Kazatomprom" - 79% of Kazakh content were recognized as the best.

The leaders of all five companies were awarded with diplomas during the forum "Uly Dala Eli".

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