
Intermediaries are guilty in the surge of prices for eggs– states the Union of Poultry Farmers of Kazakhstan

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According to the head of organization Ruslan Sharipov, dealers and retail chains raise the price by more than 100%

"The mass media have reported a sharp rise in prices for eggs. We did not raise our prices. Factory today sells it for 17-18 tenge (per piece), intermediaries and supermarkets raise the price by more than 100%. They don’t do anything, but get all the profit", - said Sharipov in an interview to

The head of the association stressed the need to set a limit - the percentage that intermediaries can add, for example, 15-20%.

At the same time, the antitrust authorities conducted a massive investigation of all poultry farms, fining them for alleged price collusion. "It is easier for Antitrust Authority to check the factory or a farm and to fine them. Nobody touches intermediaries and supermarkets", - said the head of the Union.

During the meeting at the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken", which was attended by poultry farms and representatives of government agencies, Sharipov voiced a request to hold a round table with the participation of Prime Minister Karim Massimov and First Deputy Prime Minister Bakytzhan Sagintayev, as at the level of the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition of the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan this issue is not solved.

Representatives of poultry business unanimously demanded the suspension of investigations, noting that otherwise, the industry simply can’t survive.

"The question is very sharp. If we do not take concrete actions, the consequences will be bad. You can’t even imagine what is happening on the ground. At the same time to initiate an investigation in all areas - it is wrong. Investigate specific violations. We ask to suspend the investigation. This is a cry from the heart", - said the representative of LLP" Shymkent kus "Myra Shertaeva.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition Rustam Akhmetov said that the suspension of the investigation can’t be considered. "With respect to claims for some investigation procedures, you can contact us before an appropriate decision was taken. After the decision was taken, the complaint arrives to the central level, and if there are reasons for revision, we revise it", - he said.

"We must understand that any price increase would be considered from the standpoint of compliance with the antimonopoly legislation", - concluded Akhmetov.

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