
The Government will take good care of investors, making them feel warm

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Officials promise that the investment climate in Kazakhstan will become even more favorable

There will be more investments, as we need them more now. The Government intends to adopt a number of measures to execute the presidential order, which was announced in his recent address to the nation. So, the Minister of national economy Erbolat Dosayev at the Cabinet meeting announced that " for enhancement of the attraction of investments in the country in February of 2016 will be adopted a detailed plan, providing for measures to improve the investment climate in accordance with OECD standards".

"For organization of this work in January of 2016 will be created government and regional councils to intensify the activities of the Investment Committee of the Ministry of Investment and Development of Kazakhstan and JSC "Kaznext Invest" on the principle of a "single window"", - said the Minister.

In addition, up to July 2016 "will be developed investment programs of 6 macro-regions (South, North, Central, East, West, Almaty and Astana) in the framework of the regional development program up to 2020, including the development of mini-clusters".

In addition, up to March 2016 will be "reduced the level of government borrowing, there will be introduced changes in the budget legislation to simplify procedures for granting state guarantees, including tranche funding and introduction of attorneys and agents for private projects".

"The new law "On public procurement" provides long-term contracts for 3 years or more, which stimulates investment activity of the private sector", - said E. Dosayev.

The reform is planned in the tax area, which was announced at today’ meeting in the Government by the Minister of Finance Bakhyt Sultanov. "Tax issues include replacing VAT with a sales tax, abolition of inefficient benefits, reduction of tax regimes to three", - said the head of the Ministry of Finance. He noted that "the Ministry of Finance has already a vision and calculations on these issues." Specific "turnkey" proposals will be presented to the newly established working group on the new tax and customs legislation.

"In order to improve transparency in the tax sphere will introduce best international practices in tax administration, such as horizontal monitoring of large taxpayers and electronic audit, as well as the system of walk-through control of goods' movement from the moment of their imports to the final sale with the use of electronic invoices", - promised the Minister of Finance.

Zhanar Serdalina

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