
Enterprises will get compensation for standby

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The state support is guaranteed on clear terms

The state will help Kazakh enterprises to minimize losses during the fall of demand and prices for its products. However, the state support will be provided on specific conditions, and it isn’t infinite assistance. Thus, employers will be able to maintain skilled workers through the mechanism of subsidizing of a part of the salary of temporary workers. i.e. the reduced working time on large-scale manufacturing enterprises - with a decrease in production volumes and product prices. The innovations were reported by the Minister of Health and Social Development Tamara Duysenova, the temporary subsidies are offered in the amount of 2/3 of the reduced wages and working time of qualified employees. This industry should meet one of the following conditions. It should be a city-forming, with the share of goods delivered for export at least 30% of the total manufactured goods of the enterprise. The share of goods supplied to the domestic market, is not less than 30% of the regional volume or at least 10% of the republican. The Minister said that temporary subsidies provided only for workers employed in the major production for six months, with a possible extension for another six months.

The other mechanism proposed by the Ministry – provision of grants to employers for training industrial workers while retaining their jobs. State grants will cover 80% of tuition fees, as set out in the organization of technical and vocational education. The remaining 20% ​​will be funded by the employer.

In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Development offers not only professional training of young workers, but also to expand the system of microcredits. It is expected that loans will be used to for the organization of small-scale industries as small feedlots, dairy plants, small businesses, small poultry farms. Later, the villagers, who received micro-loans can unite in cooperatives in rural districts, solving themselves questions of sales and delivery of products.

Micro-loans will be available for business expansion. At the same time Tamara Duysenova noted that they will be provided only under the condition of creation of new permanent jobs and compulsory employment through employment centers.

Zhanar Serdalina

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