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Additional million tenge charges were imposed on entrepreneurs after the abolition of quotas for the import of meat

At a meeting of the Council on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs NCE RK "Atameken" were considered the problems of entrepreneurs in the application of differentiated tariff rates of import customs duties. The National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" received complaints of entrepreneurs (LLP “IVY INTERTRADE”, LLP “UNITED INDUSTRIES”, LLP "Trading house KazRoss-2", LLP "Fakhrad") complaining on the illegal actions of employees of state revenue bodies in relation to the goods "fresh-frozen meat", which was imported to Kazakhstan in the framework of the established tariff quotas from 2013 to the present moment.

"For example, 38 companies got the quota in 2013, of which more than half were overlaid with additional charges by the State Revenue Committee today. What is the essence of the problem? The companies received quotas, which were valid until the end of 2013. Prior to the expiration of the quota the company submitted a preliminary declaration, the goods were released later in January. The State Revenue Committee and the customs officials released goods, recognizing it as lawful quota. Then 2 years later after the desk audits they abolished the 2 year quota and charged people, with additional including fines, counted the due amounts. I want to note that with a quota you pay 27% of the rate, without a quota - 80%. Of course, This additional charge is enormous. Only for 4 companies the additional charge amounted to more than 650 million tenge, "- said the director of the Department of Customs Administration NCE RK Dina Mamasheva.

According to her, the above-mentioned companies exercised their right to submit a preliminary declaration. "The issue of filing preliminary declaration is defined very clearly by the customs legislation. There are only two cases where the pre-declaration can be revised - this is if the goods for whatever reason, were not imported, or if new restrictions were introduced, which were not previously declared. In this case, nothing of these was evidenced", - said Mamasheva.

“We ask the State Revenue authorities consider these issues carefully and before making the final decision to stop recovery of additional charges from businessmen”, - she said.

Chairman of the Board Gani Kasymov, in turn, offered the following resolution: "The National Chamber of entrepreneurs suggest contacting the State Revenue Committee on the issue of abolition of the notifications of the State Revenue on the settlement of arrears of customs payments, taxes and fines in respect of goods, which were declared under the tariff quotas", - he said.

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