
Nursultan Nazarbayev: "Industrialization provides the opportunity to increase productivity"

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In Astana in the framework of Industrialization Day was held a nationwide teleconference, during which the Head of State has officially opened in an online mode 16 new objects of the Industrialization Map

Among the first industrial-innovative facility, which was opened today by the President Nursultan Nazarbayev, is petrochemical production enterprise for processing of coke in the Pavlodar region. The enterprise is equipped with new unique equipment, which has no analogues in Kazakhstan. It allows to heat raw petroleum coke from the Pavlodar petrochemical plant under a very high temperature (to 1250-1350 degrees Celsius).

Recycled coke will serve as an excellent raw material for the Kazakhstani Electrolysis Plant, which previously bought the Chinese coke. The plant capacity (up to 250 thousand tons per year), it will allow to export petroleum coke abroad. The cost of the project is 23 billion tenge. The company will employ 309 people.

The next project, which also launched by the Head of State, a pharmaceutical plant in Almaty region, the introduction of which will reduce the import of medicinal products, thus, promoting the development of pharmaceutical industry by 10%.

The plant was built by "Global Farm" together with "Abdi Ibrahim" - the leader of the Turkish pharmaceutical sector. It will produce up to 1.5 billion tablets and capsules a year, offering an extended range of up to 200 medications.

 In Aktobe region with the participation of President Nursultan Nazarbayev was launched the meat processing plant, in the construction of which were invested more than 2 billion tenge.

The latest European technology, introduced in the workplace, will fully automate the entire process of processing of raw materials, 60% of production will be exported to Russia.

There was also opened an enterprise for production of fast food LLP "Raduga", which is going to produce a dry breakfast cereal, thereby reducing imports from the Russian Federation. The company plans to produce 430 tons of food per year. The company will employ 32 people.

During the teleconference was launched the modernized poultry plant in Kostanay region. Thanks to modern technology the egg production process will be reduced 3 times, the company intends to produce up to 250 million units per year, and increase its productivity three times. Moreover, the products will be supplied not only to the regions of Kazakhstan, but also to the neighboring Russia.

On this day opened a new production of beef in Akmola region. The factory plans to produce 20 thousand tonnes of chilled poultry meat per year and 300 tonnes of deep-processed products. It is assumed that the company will satisfy 100% the demand of the capital with poultry products, as well as reduce the importation of meat to Kazakhstan by 15%.

In Atyrau region will begin to work a wool processing factory, which will process 100 tons of camel wool and up to 350 tons of sheep wool per year.

In Kyzylorda was launched a housebuilding concern, which will build annually up to 35 thousand square meters of framed panel houses. The company will use high-quality German equipment.

In SKR on the territory of special economic zone "South" will start working a socks factory, which plans to release up to 16 million units per year by the South Korean technology.

A wind power plant, a plant for the production of diesel engines, mining and processing enterprises were launched during the teleconference.

As the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, "it is important to update the state program of industrial-innovative development on the basis of the changed global and domestic trends".

"We still have much to do. First, it is important to update the state program of industrial-innovative development on the basis of the changed global and domestic trends. In particular, it is necessary to reduce the number of indicators. As I said in the Addresse, there are three major indexes - productivity, exports and investment, so let's focus on these three issues will be to focus and to ask for it, and to evaluate it",- he said.

The Leader of the Nation stated that 16 projects will provide jobs for more than three thousand people, creating 3,300 new permanent jobs.

According to the President of Kazakhstan, these projects are implemented in eight promising sectors of industrial production in Kazakhstan. Each of the two companies will annually produce goods worth an average of 81 billion tenge.

As it was noted by the President this year, despite the negative impact of the current global crisis, Kazakhstan's manufacturing industry demonstrates total growth in comparison with the past year

"It helps the overall national economy to maintain a positive growth rate. Industrialization gives us a real opportunity to increase productivity. We are approaching the implementation of the tasks set before the country - to increase productivity two fold in 10 years. At this stage we have reached 1.6 growth. That is good progress, we are pleased with it", - concluded Nursultan Nazarbayev.

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