
A "Window" to Beijing

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The Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan will ensure access of Kazakh exporters to China

During the official visit of the Prime Minister Karim Massimov to Beijing was signed a bilateral memorandum between the Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan and international companies on agricultural cooperation "Chzhunsintszyan" Xinjiang Production and Construction Corporation.

This document allows the Kazakhstani producers and exporters of agricultural products to export their goods through the Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan by a principle of a "single window".

Moreover, entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to attract new investment and transfer technology from China.

"In today's challenging conditions, cooperation with foreign countries is of particular importance and significance. Given the numerous questions of domestic exporters with the complexities of the supply of products to China, we invented a new business format, which opens big prospects for the business community of the two countries. I am confident that this approach will serve as an effective working tool and will ensure sustainable partnerships between our countries", - said the chairman of the Foreign Trade Chamber in Kazakhstan Meirbek Mazhitov at a meeting with Chinese partners.

In the course of business negotiations, the parties outlined the key points of cooperation in the manufacturing industry, covering sectors such as dairy, butter production, crop production - growing of fruit and vegetables, livestock, construction materials, drip irrigation, as well as utility services. The visit of the Kazakh delegation to Beijing, which was organized by the Foreign Trade Chamber of Kazakhstan, gives a big promise for the local business community, as well as contributes to the strengthening and development of mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation.

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