
A store with Kazakh goods opened in Astana

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In "" you can buy everything – starting from socks finishing with a wedding dress, all made my domestic producers

The store opened at the initiative of the Union of manufacturers of light industry, in particular, the director of Open Company "PIK ASTANA Yutariya ltd" Saule Shauenova. 30 domestic companies that manufacture home textile, garment, hosiery, hats, wedding clothes, shoes and more merged in a small place.

"The project is very timely because, despite the emergence of some Kazakhstani brands mentioned by the Head of State himself, we are all confronted with the fact that the access to national products is difficult for a consumer. It is not easy and very expensive for domestic producers to get to our shopping malls. Rental rate for Kazakhstani brands is many times higher than for foreign ones, because the latter attract more customers", - said the executive secretary of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan" Atameken" Evgeniy Bolgert.

Because of such difficulties, the final price of the domestic product is growing. "The price of Kazakh goods surprises our citizens: Clothes for domestic goods are same as for foreign ones. Although expectations of consumers are inverse, that is, if it is made in Kazakhstan, I'll buy it, but it should be cheaper and of the same quality. Nobody understand what price an entrepreneur needs to pay just to get to the counter. This is a big problem, so the creation of outlets for domestic producers - this is a very good project. I hope that it will continued by other entrepreneurs. This experience can be used in other industries. We will certainly support the Union of manufacturers of light industry in these endeavors.

If everyone will visit and buy some things - this is a great support. People think that if they do not buy, they will produce better. Not really. If you will not buy their products, you will not know whether it is of good quality. And they can not know whether they meet consumers' expectations. This is a vicious circle", - concluded Bolgert.

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