
Ablay Myrzakhmetov "the Map reflects all the investment potential of the country"

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Within the frames of the contest "Altyn Sapa" the Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov presented to the Head of State the Map of regional development of entrepreneurship.

The map of regional development of entrepreneurship for 16 regions of the country are formed being compiled by experts of NCE RK and other structures within  last 4 months.

"The map of regional development of entrepreneurship enables us to answer the key questions in each region: what factors determine the specialization of a region, what are the key markets, in which sectors the probability of success in entrepreneurship is high, what are the growth indicators in the regions, what is the real business environment in the region, what barriers have the greatest impact on business development, which business entities can be the engine of development", - said A. Myrzakhmetov.

According to him, the regional map can serve as a tool for attraction of foreign investors for local executive bodies, both in terms of project initiatives and satisfaction of needs in the economic data on each region.

"The regional map reflects all the investment potential of the country for each region, mainly in those sectors where there is an opportunity for business development", - said the head of NCE.

He also said that the common database contains information on 306 038 business entities, including 4249 subjects of large and medium-sized businesses, and 301,789 small businesses.

The Chairman of NCE RK "Atameken" informed the President about non-financial support to business, which was rendered by NCE RK.

 "Atameken" is actively engaged in education of people to the basics of business. Business schools were set up in the regions, during which listeners of the courses "Business Advisor", "Business Growth" get knowledge. The project of program education is being carried out with the principles of mentoring.

"Business training is provided to small and medium-sized businesses, operating in all sectors of the economy, free of charge. Component "Business School" is aimed at training small and medium-sized businesses and population with entrepreneurial initiative in the single industry towns, small towns and district centers. "Business Advisor" is a short-term training on how to build business, it is intended for start-ups. "Business Growth" is a program aimed at the transfer of knowledge for the purpose of the formation of skills among existing entrepreneurs, which allow to manage effectively all types of resources. Project-based learning with the principle of mentoring is a highly specialized training program for specific types of projects and their support", - said Ablay Myrzakhmetov.

As for support service, by the condition on 1st of November 2015 services were rendered to 30,700 small and medium-sized enterprises (planned - 30 592), of which over 60% were rendered at CSE at the district level.

Currently the functioning of 188 CSE - in 152 regional centers, 9 towns and 27 single-industry towns of the republic have been ensured.

Overall, 14 000 entrepreneurs have been trained under the project "Business Advisor", under the project of program education  on the principles of mentoring - 910 people, under the program "Business Growth" - 1210 entrepreneur.

Under the project, "Business School" were trained more than 15 000 people.

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