
Import duties will be reduced in Kazakhstan as of 15th of December 2015

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NCE RK "Atameken" explained the procedure of import of goods to the country and re-export to other countries of EAEU

"One of the main conditions for joining the WTO is to reduce tariff of import duties. Tariff duties are reduced to a list of products that consists of 3877 items. It is worth noting that the duties on certain headings will be reduced significantly. The decline will occur in stages. So, as 2016 import duties will decrease for 1347 headings. Taking into account that we members of the EAEU, our partners in the Union have been concerned about the possible risk of re-export of these goods to their territory. In this regard, the Heads of State on 16th of October in the resort village of Burabay, there was issued a decision, according to which the Republic of Kazakhstan has committed itself to prevent the export of such goods, which will enter to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan at reduced duties", - said at a press briefing, the Acting Deputy Chairman of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Dana Zhunusova.

The deputy chairman of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance Argyn Kypshakov also responded to the questions of journalists. He noted that CRC has a created an inventory system for tracking of goods that come at reduced duties of WTO. "When an importer brings in goods from the list out of a country, which is not a part of the EAEU, he must decide whether it will be exported to other countries of the EAEU or it will be consumed in Kazakhstan. If it stays in Kazakhstan, an importer is entitled to pay reduced fees - from 5 to 50%. If he was going to resell the goods to the other countries of EAEU, then an importer has to pay a higher rate, which acts in the Union", - he explained.

According to Kypshakov, an individual customs declaration is applied for these goods. "Next importers who import these goods are obliged to issue electronic invoices for further sale in the country or abroad. To do this, this business entity must obtain an electronic signature, then in an online mode, they can register in the information system of electronic invoices. And then he has the right to invoice. State Revenue Committee will monitor the goods according to the list. When goods are exported from a specified list of countries of EAEU, our carriers must draw up two documents - a copy of a customs declaration and a copy of the electronic invoice", - added the official.

Zhunusova, in turn, stressed that we should not forget that the partners of Kazakhstan within the EAEU have every right to apply measures of responsibility in accordance with their national law, if the goods which are on the list and which have come at a reduced rate to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, will be traded on their territory. "Therefore, Kazakhstan took the responsibility to prevent the export of these goods. We would like to address all entrepreneurs now. We ask carriers, importers, exporters, before the exportation of goods to the territory of other Member States of EAEU, to go to our website and to see if the items are in the list", - she said.

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