
Awards in connection with the national holiday

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The Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK “ Atameken” Timur Kulibayev presented the state awards to a number of representatives of the business elite of the country.

On the eve of the Independence Day the order “Parasat” was awarded to the advisor of the chairman of the Association “KAZENERGY” Daniyar Abulgazin, deputy chairman of the Presidium of the Union of Transporters of Kazakhstan “KAZLOGISTICS” Yuriy Lavrinenko and the deputy Chairman of the Association of legal entities “Kazakhstani association of the enterprises of oil and gas and energy sector “KAZENERGY” Dzhanbulat Sarsenov. 

In honor of the 10th anniversary of the Association “KAZENERGY”, chairman of the Board of JSC "KazMunaiGas" Sauat Mynbayev was awarded the Jubilee Medal for the achievements in the development of oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan.

For active innovational activity the medals "Eren enbegi үshin" were presented to the chairman of the Board of Directors of LLP "Almaty Fan Works" Marat Bakkulov. Certificates of Merit were awarded to the President of the Association of trading companies of Kazakhstan Abishev Nursadyk, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company "Natizhe" Erlan Ashіm (Karaganda region) and the director of LLP "Ta-Mac" Gulmira Konkasheva (Zhambyl region).

For long-term efforts in promotion of the interests of mining and metallurgical industry the Medal of 1 degree of NCE RK "Atameken" was awarded to the Chairman of the Committee of the mining and metallurgical industry NCE RK Nikolay Radostovets.

The medal of 3rd degree of NCE RK "Atameken" was awarded to the chairman of the Audit Commission of the Chamber Nurlan Kudaibergenov, Head of the Staff of NCE RK Eldos Ramazanov, Secretary of the Secretariat of the Committee of the manufacturing industry NCE RK "Atameken" Nurlan Sakuov, the expert of the first category of the Department of Customs Administration Nurgul Zhanarbaeva and expert of the first category of HR Department Daniyar Akezhan.

The ceremony was held in a festive, celebratory atmosphere. Timur Kulibayev concluded it with good wishes. "Congratulations with all the upcoming holidays. Independence Day is the biggest holiday in our country. I wish us all peaceful sky, success in work, happiness at home. New Years is soon. Let 2016 bring happiness and good luck to our family! "- he said.


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