
Gani Kasimov was awarded with the medal of NCE "For loyalty to the cause" of 2 degree

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Award was presented by the Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan "Atameken" Ablay Myrzakhmetov

The medal of NCE "For loyalty to the cause" is established by the National Chamber of entrepreneurs, it is awarded for their excellent work in the activities.

Gani Kasymov, head of the Council for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of NCE RK "Atameken", which was created under the auspices of NCE RK. The Council’s Branches also operate in all 16 regions of the country. Currently, more than 110 lawyers of the highest qualification are engaged in the protection of entrepreneurs at the central Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and its regional subsidiaries.

The Council consists of very reputable people - two deputies of the Mazhilis and the Senate, the Deputy Attorney General, representatives of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs and Anti-Corruption and other state bodies, as well as public figures.

For three years the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs held 333 meetings, including 299 at the regional centers. 108 meetings of the Council were held in 2016: 100 at RCE and eight at the central office, including five off-site meetings.

In total, the system of NCE RK has received more than 15 thousand applications within line of business defense. Of these, from 2013 to 2015 - 10 thousand applications (2 604 in the Central Office of NCE RK and 7407 - RCE), and this year alone more than 5000 (1466 in the Central Office of NCE RK and 3953 – at RCE).

By the results of the work of the lawyers of the National Chamber for three years, the property rights of entrepreneurs worth over 41.7 billion tenge were protected: 8.4 billion tenge in 2014, 14.4 billion tenge in 2015 and 18.9 billion tenge in 2016. There were canceled fines, state authorities returned the money, and the cost of maintained business assets. It is the contribution of the National Chamber and the Council for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs.

Gani Kasymov is also Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of NCE RK "Atameken" in issues of business protection.

The medal has three degrees: the person awarded for the first time may be awarded with the Medal of III degree. The basis for the submission of the medal is commission of acts or achieving performance in excess of previous achievements. I and II degree medal is awarded to the same person not earlier than two years after the last award of the medal. Upon presentation of the medals a certificate to the medal is issued at the same time. The award is worn on the left side of the chest after the state awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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