
Corn Sticks For Cows

- Almaty Region
12735 просмотров

The entrepreneur has launched a new production of animal feed

A budding entrepreneurs established production of granular feed for livestock with the support of the state program "Business Road Map 2020". While the production works not in full mode, but in the near future it planned to reach full capacity, producing up to 10 thousand tons of extruded fodder a day.

A special of Russian production in a matter of seconds under immense pressure processes the grain and straw at a temperature of 160 degrees. In that manner the pests are killed, but there remain vitamins and nutritional value increases. In one hour, the machine allows you to produce half a tonne of dry food.

The idea to produce such corn sticks for animals came to Andrey Pak’s mind unexpectedly. He got interested in animal feed, for the implementation of a unique idea he appealed to the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs. After training under the program "Business Advisor" with the assistance of experts of the Chamber the budding entrepreneur compiled a business plan. This project is implemented under the state program "Business Road Map 2020", the entrepreneur obtained a grant of half a million tenge.

"Thanks to this grant we were able to purchase the necessary equipment and to start production of extruded feeds. These feed is a new step in the production of animal feed. When feeding, the amount expendable fodder reduced almost twice. Because animals do not spend too much energy for processing food, the digestibility is nearly 90 percent.

An animal grows faster, milk production increases by at least 15 percent, which is proved by conducted experiments.

Since the beginning of this year, more than 15 thousand inhabitants of the region addressed to the Regional Chamber of Entrepreneurs, just like Andrey Pak, willing to start a business. All of them were able to get different support. As emphasize the experts of the Chamber, despite the crisis, the entrepreneurial initiatives do not decrease.

"This production is one of the successful examples of cooperation of budding entrepreneurs and RCE. Any help is important. Business support centres were opened in every district center. More than 15 thousand people dressed for help within 10 months, more than 200 of them have received funding through our consultations. About 165 business plans were compiled and novice businessmen are willing to implement them", - says Dana Dzhambulatova the expert of the department for maintenance of projects.

Three people work here. Up to 10 tons of crops can be processed in one day at the production facility. "The enterprise produces granular food from corn, soybeans, straw and mixed feed. In the near future the company will be fully automated", - says the businessman. And in the next year, he plans to start production of granulated alfalfa.

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