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A draft law that reduces the number of permits for business got approved

Mazhilis made life easier for entrepreneurs by approving at today's plenary session the draft law "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of Kazakhstan on the reduction of permits and simplification of licensing procedures". The draft law was developed by the order of the Head of State in order to simplify the permit system and to optimize the system of issuing permits for entrepreneurs.

Presenting the document to Mazhilismen, the minister of national economy of Kazakhstan Erbolat Dosayev recalled: now the total number of permits provided by law is 481 and 227 subspecies of licensed types of activities.

"In order to avoid misbalance of the interests of consumers, businesses and the state, each eliminated permit by the draft law was individually reviewed and approved by the Interdepartmental Commission on regulation of entrepreneurial activity of the Government, whose members are also members of the Mazhilis of the Parliament," - said the minister.

As a result, added Dosaev, it was decided to abolish duplicative and unnecessary permits, transfer of permits to a notification, the requirements for obtaining them were amended as well.

"Thus, the draft law provides for the abolition of permits 39, i.e., they were excluded from the legislation, as well as the competence was eliminated from the functions of the regulatory state bodies, issuing those types of permits", - said the head of the Ministry.

In addition, 18 types of permits are substituted by a notification procedure, in other words, it will be enough for an entrepreneur to send a notice before starting its activity, specifying the required information to the regulatory state body.

95 authorization procedures are expected to undergo optimization - on the principle of "one window", a centralized issue of permits, provides for a minimum participation of entrepreneurs in the collection and preparation of documents for the issue of a permit and limits its direct contact with the state authorities.

However, the minister of the national economy stressed that in order to "prevent the emergence of direct threats to human health and life, the environment, national security, as well as violations of international agreements, the Interdepartmental Commission on regulation of entrepreneurial activities under the Government "will not eliminate 52 permits, regulating the most hazardous activities. In addition, 41 permits remain in force, which are referred to the international obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

We add that the draft law also stipulates contraction of permits, prescribed by the law “about permissions and notifications".

"Given that the number of permit documents provide for the payment of a state fee to the budget, the relevant amendments will be introduced to the provisions of sectoral laws, in particular, amendments to 7 codes and 30 laws", - said Erbolat Dosayev.

According to him, the draft law "will reduce the pressure on business, it will reduce the number of administrative barriers, it will also eliminate unnecessary functions from the state bodies".

Zhanar Serdalina

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