
NCE is making consistent efforts in introducing the IOSA certificate

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"In November 2014 the Committee of Civil Aviation sent a draft order "On approval of the rules of admission of the airline companies to perform regular domestic commercial transportation" to the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs. We presented two expert opinions. In the first expert opinion, we asked to hold a meeting on the issue. On 10th of March 10 they resubmitted the same draft order. As a result of review we presented a more specific answer. For the introduction of qualification requirements for a certificate of operational safety audit (IOSA), we believe it necessary to update the requirements of IOSA in the form of national rules in the field of civil aviation or in the form of aviation standards in accordance with Article 7 of the Law of RK "On the use of airspace of Kazakhstan", - said the secretary of the Secretariat of logistics and transportation Kanat Mukushev.

He stressed that these standards are encouraged to enter the International Air Transport Association IATA, which is a public organization. "On the territory of Kazakhstan, as well as on the territory of any other country, the recommendations of the NGO are optional. But our government bodies have introduced these rules as a prerequisite for the implementation of regular domestic flights. Another document had to be adopted before this document: the one that states that IOSA certificate is valid on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If there was such a document, no one would have objected the new rules",- said Mukushev.

However, the recommendations of the National Chamber were not taken into account by the Committee of Civil Aviation of MID RK. Then in August 2015 NCE sent a letter to the government body with the request to justify the reasons for disagreement with the observations set out in the expert opinion of the Chamber. In response, NCE RK "Atameken" received a formal reply. The National Chamber didn’t stop at that, and on 16th of November 2015 the experts of NCE sent a letter to the Chief Prosecutor's Office of Kazakhstan with the request to check the legality of the establishment of the qualification requirements of the IOSA certificate. The response from the main transport prosecutor's office came on 18th of December 2015. It stated that the state agency's position on the establishment of international aviation standards organization in the field of civil aviation, engaged in domestic regular flight services, doesn’t contradict to the national law.

It should be noted that in December 2015 NCE RK received letters from airlines “SCAT” and “QAZAQ AIR”. Both of the carrier's were in favor of innovations.

However, the airline “Bek Air” asks NCE to assist in establishing the rule of law qualification requirements for the presence of audit certificates. “Bek Air” has sent a letter to the Prosecutor General, and filed a lawsuit in the courts on the illegality of the new requirements.

"NCE RK "Atameken" considers that, firstly, the requirements and standards of the international non-governmental public organizations (such as the international organization IATA) could be adopted and applied on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in case of their inclusion in the national rules, secondly, the IOSA audit requirements significantly restrict the development of competition in air travel industry in Kazakhstan. Given that the airlines of Kazakhstan do not have a unified position on this issue, it is necessary to discuss this issue at a meeting of the subcommittee of Civil Aviation of the Committee of logistics and transportation NCE RK ", - concluded the head of the Secretariat.

The meeting at the site of NCE RK with all stakeholders, including the Civil Aviation Committee, the Committee on Regulation of Natural Monopolies and Protection of Competition, as well as the company IATA is scheduled for January 12, 2016.

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