
"At Markovna"

- North-Kazakhstan Region
15018 просмотров

- A specialized grocery store with the same name opened in the town of Mamlyutka

It was opened by an individual entrepreneur, deputy of regional maslikhat, a member of the Council of Business Women of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of NKR Antonina Sevostyanova, who resorted to the instruments of the state support within the Uniform Program of Support and Business Development "Business Road Map-2020".

Antonina Martsinovna is engaged in entrepreneurial activity since 1994. At the moment she has three stores. She started her activities with retail trade of manufactured goods, household cleaning products and building materials. The business-woman worked with state educational institutions, participated in public procurements, supplying them with food and leased non-residential premises.

"I recently decided to open in our city a grocery store, where customers will be offered fresh, natural products: meat, fish, vegetables and dairy products, and domestic producers at prices, which are below the market ones. But for the implementation of the idea, it was necessary to make a major renovation of existing buildings, to equip it, to buy all the necessary products. And for this, of course, it requires a lot of money. Knowing about the size of state support of small and medium-sized businesses, government programs, which are successfully implemented in our region (with interest attend all activities related to this subject, which are conducted in the district), that is, I addressed to the District Business Support Center for help", - says Antonina Sevostyanova.

The consultants of the BSC advised Antonina Martsinovna to use the tools of the state program "Business Road Map-2020", they helped her to write a good business plan, to prepare the necessary documents and to assess the property.

"As a result of the assistance provided to the woman, she received two loans at 14% per annum, of which 10% is repaid by the state for free. One of them, she received for replenishment of fixed assets, the other for increase of the working capital, i.e. for business expansion. Using the money Antonina Sevostyanova made modern reconstruction of the building inside and out, replaced the wiring, heating, bought expensive refrigeration and freezing equipment, showcases and necessary goods", - says the director of the district branch of RCE of NKR Nina Vasilenko.

However, the residents of the district are satisfied not only by a variety of goods, their price and quality, but also by the conditions of storage products that meet all sanitary-epidemiological norms. This is very important, especially when it comes to sour milk and seafood. Especially because those are always present in the range of the store "At Markovna".

"The diary producer from Petropavlovsk LLP "Molservis” supplies the company with various fresh dairy products on regular basis.The fishery products are regularly presented in a wide range: frozen, salted, smoked. For amateurs there are shrimp, squid, trout, salmon ... There is also a large selection of the favorite nuts. And all this at an affordable price", - continues to businesswomen.

By the way, Antonina Sevostyanova is engaged not only in business activities, but also in social work, giving due attention to the numerous parliamentary duties, and the decision of the problems addressed at the meetings of the Council of Business Women of RCE of NKR.

As part of North Kazakhstan delegation, she was recently a member of the first national congress of charitable organizations, philanthropists and donors, members of the ANC national campaign "Caravan of Solace", which was held in Astana on the initiative of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and with the participation of Dariga Nazarbayeva.

The forum summarized the charity activities of the year, the initiatives and activities for the New Year, which were proposed by the speakers, were supported, there were marked people, who made significant contribution to the education of future generations and charity.

Our individual entrepreneur Antonina Sevostyanova was among those, who were awarded with the thank you letters of the Minister of Education of Kazakhstan.

"At the forum I was raised an urgent question for the opening of a rehabilitation center for children with disabilities in the city of Petropavlovsk, where today there is not even a correction office. They operate only in each district of the region. This topic has interested all the participants of the meeting, so I was invited to a meeting to the Ministry of Education, where I spoke to the heads of departments. There I talked about how I managed to attract patrons to purchase expensive equipment for the future center. I held a personal conversation with the deputy of Mazhilis Zagipa Yakhyanovnoy Balieva, who is actively dealing with children’s issues, who strongly supported my initiative. As a result, the issue of the opening a medico-psycho-pedagogical center for children with disabilities in Petropavlovsk was taken under special control, there was appointed a group of experts to study the possibilities for a positive decision of the topical issue in our regional center, preparation of legal documents has already begun in 2016", - shares his successes Antonina Martsinovna with enthusiasm.

All of this only confirms once again the fact that our heroine is not the timid. She is not used to complain about life, because I am sure that everything always depends on the person and the person’s views on life.

"Everything is in our hands, we are the creators of their happiness", - says always cheerful person with an active life stance, who is always ready to help those in need Antonina Sevostyanova.

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