
Nursultan Nazarbayev: "The principle of successfully running economy is in support of SMEs by the state, ensuring an adequate level of its protection"

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This was stated by President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in his article "The plan of the nation - Kazakhstan's path to a dream", which was published today on the website of Akorda.

According to him, on 1st of January 2016 began the practical phase of the implementation of the Plan of the nation "100 concrete steps to implementation of five institutional reforms".

"59 laws came into force that create an entirely new legal environment for the development of the state, economy and society. It is important for us to assess this unprecedented step in our history, the scale of changes in the national legislation. As they open the way to achieving our Kazakhstani dream - to become one of the thirty nations - the leaders of the twenty-first century", - said the Head of State.

According to him, the movement to fulfillment of the new dream began with the development plan of the nation’s plan - 100 concrete steps to implementation of the five institutional reforms, the work on which was conducted under the guidance of the National Commission for modernization, which was established by the decree of the Leader of the Nation.

"Five institutional reforms are particularly important at this stage, when Kazakhstan's economy is strongly influenced by the global economic difficulties. We see them as a major component of large-scale anti-crisis measures of the state, aimed at restoration of economic growth and maintenance of strong social guarantees to the entire population", - said the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"Road maps" of activities were developed for each of the five reforms.

In addition to the reforms in the civil service, the judiciary and law enforcement systems, it is planned to conduct comprehensive transformation in industrialization and economic growth. As it was stated by the Leader of the Nation “to the economy without bureaucratic costs”.

"Our long-term goal should be a permanent reduction in transaction costs of functioning of the economy. Their scale depends primarily on the work of state institutions. An improvement of tax and customs administration will be an important step towards its achievement. Firstly, we are talking about the integration of the tax and customs systems. The monitoring of waybills is being introduced with a gradual transition to an electronic format. The procedure of tax and customs inspections on the basis of unified forms of documents is being also optimized. The appeal procedure for all audits will be uniform", - said the Head of State.

A gradual transition to the universal declaration of income and assets is envisaged in the nearest future. In 2017, the universal declaration will have to be submitted to the workers of state enterprises and institutions, national companies - about 1.7 million people. The universal declaration will cover all individuals since 2020.

In order to simplify tax administration, the issue of possibility of introduction of the sales tax instead of VAT is being scrutinized. It is planned to optimize the existing tax regimes with the obligatory introduction of tax records of income and expenses since 2017. This will reduce the level of shadow economy.

"The experience of OECD countries shows that the most important principle of successfully functioning economy is support of small and medium enterprises by the state, providing an adequate level of its protection. These aspects are embodied in the Entrepreneurial Code, comprising modernized legal aspects of rehabilitation and bankruptcy of enterprises", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

According to him, the institutions of business ombudsman is being strengthened, which should be a central mechanism for the protection of business and legal assistance to entrepreneurs. The legal basis of its activities is also reflected in the Entrepreneurial Code.

In addition, it sets out a detailed legal framework of the state’s anti-monopoly activities in accordance with OECD standards.

The modernized antimonopoly authority should focus on all-round development of free competition.

Speaking of innovations, the President said that with January 1, 2016 Register dominants will be conducted on regulated markets, and in 2017 completely canceled. The increase in the proportion of subjects in the respective commodity markets may only be provided if such actions have no signs of restriction of competition.

From 1st of January 2017 the price regulation is being abolished, instead of which will be used only instruments of antitrust regulation and control.

A new institution will be created under the antimonopoly body - the conciliatory commission, which will ensure the objectivity and transparency of decisions taken on the basis of investigations of violations of antitrust laws.

"The new principles of cooperation and partnership between the state and entrepreneurs are embodied in the updated version of the law on public procurement. They open up new opportunities for attracting foreign direct investment through long-term contracts on the sales of products. It will also facilitate the creation of new high-tech enterprises in Kazakhstan", - noted in his article, the Head of State.

Changes introduced to the Land Code will serve as a major impetus on the development of farming and the entire agricultural sector.

"The new legal regulations allow a maximum of 224 thousand entities operating in AIC to buy into private ownership 97,4 million hectares of leased land. And only at the price of 50% of its cadastral value in installments for up to 10 years. In addition, of 102 million hectares of reserve land, 85.3 million hectares, designated for agricultural production, can also be purchased as a private property through auctions by individuals and legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, - says the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The deadline for legalization of property was extended until 31st of December 2016. There were adopted additional incentives for return of property and money in legal circulation. Guarantee the confidentiality and protection from criminal and administrative prosecution is ensured by the state.

"This will increase the flow of capital and significantly reduce the level of the shadow economy. Clear and understandable procedures of bankruptcy and rehabilitation of legal entities were approved at the legislative level. The bankruptcy of the companies in accordance with international practice should not lead to a halt of activities, layoffs of employees of enterprises", - concluded the Head of State.

According to him, to save viable businesses and jobs, a new mechanism was introduced for the settlement of insolvency in the pretrial order. It allows the debtor and the creditor jointly tackle issues of restructuring with the aim of financial recovery. Investors will be able to minimize, to recover their losses.

To activate the denationalization and privatization, there were adopted legislative changes to remove restrictions to allow privatization, sale of assets at fair market value, as well as to create conditions for maximum participation of local and foreign investors in the privatization.

The key mechanism of privatization will be listing on the stock market and through open auctions.

In the Ist quarter of 2016 will be reduced list of objects that are not subject to alienation, and there will be compiled a draft law, providing for the abolition of pre-emptive rights of shareholders to acquire all of the disposed assets of quasi-public sector.

Given the new mechanisms, there will be launched a comprehensive plan of privatization for 2016-2020 years.

In the framework of this document 65 largest companies of state property will be transferred to the competitive environment: NWF "Samruk-Kazyna", JSC "Baiterek", JSC "KazAgro", 173 subsidiaries and affiliates, which are members of the JSC "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna".

The current list of privatization objects, consisting of 545 organizations, will also be updated.

During 2016-2018 after the transition of the assets of JSC "National Welfare Fund" Samruk-Kazyna", JSC "NMH "Baiterek" and JSC "NMH" KazAgro" in the competitive environment, they will be converted into compact holdings.

"Private business, which is interested in increasing profits, will expand the range of services in order to improve their quality, thus, the competition will increase and, therefore, the cost of provision of services will be reduced, - said the President.

According to him, administrative barriers will reduce in the agricultural sector.

"The procedure for granting subsoil use rights was simplified by introducing the mechanism of the auction. And in the future we will move on to the Australian model of subsoil use, which provides a simplified methodology for all types of geological work, including search, evaluation and development of deposits", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

As it was highlighted by the Leader of the Nation, the program "National champions" will become an important measure of establishing a new source of economic growth and competitiveness of Kazakhstan's business today.

"Its participants are the most promising companies of the manufacturing sector, which are aimed at import substitution. 32 companies - "national champions" will  ensure growth in domestic direct investment in the amount of 750 million US dollars in 2019-2020, creating about 15,000 jobs, increasing productivity by 30-50%, and growth in non-oil exports to 260 million US dollars", - concluded Nursultan Nazarbayev.

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