
Timur Kulibayev, "The Chamber upheld the current tax rate, and businesses should develop their own production and processing"

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A moratorium on business inspections won’t be a panacea for the recovery of the Kazakh economy

Such an opinion was expressed by the Chairman of the Presidium of NCE RK "Atameken" Timur Kulibayev during the meeting with Almaty representatives of business.

The request to introduce a moratorium for businesses was voiced by Shaikenova Rashida, the President of Kazakhstani Association of Hotels and Restaurants. She noted that currently the number of appeals of members of the Association, the heads of captive companies, has increased, they complain on numerous inspections, which distract controlling bodies from the activities. Rashida Shaikenova also inquired about the need to install cash registers with the online data transmission function at small cafes, hotels and beauty salons. The innovation came into force on 1st of January this year, and many entrepreneurs of the service sector still have not installed the necessary device.

However, this proposal has been argued. "The volume of the shadow economy in Kazakhstan is 40% - said Timur Kulibayev. – To be more precise I can tell you that only one company "Tengizchevroil" pays to the Treasury an amount equal to the budget of Almaty. All oil companies are conscientious taxpayers, as they apply a transparent system of accounting and auditing. So why small businesses should not stick to the same strict rules? Almaty has nearly 60 markets, and how many "shadow schemes"? There are 184 thousand business entities in the city, 22 thousand of medium enterprises, 2,200 large enterprises, it is necessary to establish the normal exchange of information with the inspectors. We can’t lobby the interests of unscrupulous businessmen! I'll tell you more NCE RK "Atameken" was able to defend the rights of business in terms of avoiding tax increases. "He added that the tax authorities have to fight the shadow economy - that is their problem. The National Chamber is solidarity with the State Revenue Committee in this issue, we are not going to support the unscrupulous businesses.

Kulibayev also recalled the smuggling scheme, which was detected on the Kazakh-Chinese border. "On what do we spend our revenue from sale of petrol? Instead of producing, we buy durable goods, technology, food, tangible assets in China! We need to develop our own processing, production industry and not to complain on the inspections of state bodies", - said Timur Kulibayev.

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